
The Same Idea Just Too Late
The competitive and inventive world of the International Practical Shooting Confederation has produced a number of wildcat cartridges. However, the 9x25mm Super Auto G, or as it’s unofficially called the 9×25 Super Auto Grillmeyer is probably one of the least known ones, as it was unable to draw the same kind of attention as other, more popular, competition IPSC calibers. This obscure cartridge was developed in 1991 and is a true ghost of the shooting world. Currently no manufactures produce factory ammo in this caliber. It exists only as a myth and legend floating around the file cabinets that house the C.I.P.’s data sheets.
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Quick draw! or not…
The Commission Internationale Permanente Pour L’Epreuve Des Armes A Feu Portative, “Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms”, or just more simply, C.I.P. certified this Austrian round in 1991. Beyond the specification from C.I.P. information about this round is about as scarce as ammo for it. As far as we can tell the round was developed by Horst Grillmayer, however there is little online documentation about this round.
The design of the 9×25 Super Auto G, (9×25 SAG?) utilizes the same design idea that has been used in a number of other cartridges such as the .40 Super and more notably the .357 SIG. A larger, established cartridge necked down to a smaller, but still readily available diameter to increase the muzzle velocity with more powder behind a lighter bullet. The end goal in mind being more force down range.
Being developed for IPSC competition, the 9×25 Super Auto G was supposed to make it into the Major Power Factor. Yet, like many other wildcat cartridges that sought to knock off the .38 Super from it’s throne the benefits were negligible and the .38 Super remained intrenched. .38 Super could do what IPSC shooters wanted, had a stronger following, and they saw little reason to switch.
While C.I.P. certified the design specifications in 1991, if there was ever any hope of this cartridge catching on, the C.I.P. certification came much too late. The 9×25 Super Auto G was an almost exact replica of the 9x25mm Dillon, which was SAAMI certified in 1988. The Super Auto G distinguished itself slightly by being able to handle only about 700 more PSI than its American, wildcat, cousin. The slightly different dimensions, marginal increase in case volume, and slightly higher pressure did little to win anyone over. The 9×25 Dillon struggled, and the Austrian 9×25 Super Auto G, fared far worse.
Factory and handloads
Currently no manufacturer, that we can find, makes factory ammunition in 9x25mm Super Auto G. For handloaders there are still some options though. Pacific Tool and Gauge did offer a reamer for the round circa 2017, but no dies or brass can be found. 10mm brass can be necked down to the 9mm specification though. The intrepid handloader who moonlights as a gunsmith or has a friend who is one and wants to take on the challenge might be able to accomplish a 1911 or similar build using this round. Yet, with the similarities between the Super Auto G and the Dillian, the effective differences between the two are about the same as a skunk and a striped polecat. Hand loaders may find that sticking to the American alternative to this Austrian round a far less headache inducing task given the limited information about this round available.
Chambered Firearms
As of 2015 no firearms are being produced in 9×25 Super Auto G. If there are any firearms still in useable condition today, they most like call Austria home and are only used if their owners ask the government pretty, please. The most likely platform for the rare 9×25 Super Auto G, is the venerable 1911 given that it was intended for race guns, however it’s reasonable to assume other platforms have fired the round as well at some point.
A Real Ghost Gun
The 9x25mm Super Auto G is dead in just about every sense. Like many wildcat cartridges before it the niche it sought to improve upon was already filled or it just didn’t catch on. Yet without the constant experimentation and failures we would not be where we are today so let’s take a moment and say, “In memoriam, the 9x25mm Super Auto G, may you live forever in the C.I.P. data sheets.”