The (Mostly) Free Panhandle
Have you heard about the concealed carry laws Florida recently adopted and wondered what they mean for you? While constitutional carry is now in effect, there’s plenty more to understand about the rules, requirements, and rights of firearm owners in the Sunshine State. In this guide, we’ll cover how Florida’s new permitless carry works, why many still opt for a concealed weapons license, and how concealed carry training and CCW requirements by state play into the bigger picture of responsible gun ownership.

Table of Contents
Florida’s Shift to Constitutional Carry
On July 1, 2023, Florida became the 26th constitutional carry state. Now, anyone who is at least 21 years old and not prohibited by law can carry a concealed firearm without a license. This streamlined approach does not allow for open carry in most circumstances; open carry is still illegal except for a few activities such as lawful hunting, fishing, or camping. So what does this mean?
- License Optional: You can conceal carry in Florida without a license, provided you’re 21 or older and legally able to own a firearm.
- Why Get a License? Many Floridians still choose a concealed weapons license because it can simplify the gun-buying process (you can skip the mandatory waiting period) and help with reciprocity when traveling to other states in some circumstances.
The Concealed Weapons License (CWL) Explained
Even though Florida has embraced permitless carry, concealed carry laws Florida still include the option of obtaining a CWL for broader benefits. The CWL:
- Covers More Weapons: Not just handguns, but also electronic devices like stun guns, tear gas guns, and various knives.
- Offers Reciprocity: Florida only honors resident permits from states that recognize Florida’s licenses. Conversely, a Florida CWL can allow you to carry concealed in multiple states if they have a reciprocity deal, which becomes important when checking CCW requirements by state.
- Exempts You from Some Waiting Periods: License holders don’t have to observe the three-business-day waiting period for firearm purchases.
Who Can Apply?
- Must be 21 years or older (or active military/honorably discharged veteran at any age).
- Must complete a concealed carry training course, unless military service meets the requirement.
- Must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident, with no disqualifying criminal or mental health history.
Where You Can & Cannot Carry
Florida law carves out specific places where it is illegal to carry—even with a CWL. Key off-limits spots include:
- Schools (K-12) and their administrative buildings
- College or University facilities
- Government Meetings (legislature, city council, etc.)
- Bars or the bar sections of restaurants
- Courthouses and detention facilities
- Polling places on Election Day
- Secure areas of airports
You can concealed carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, provided you don’t sit in the bar area. Also, many hotels set their own rules about firearms, so always confirm policies before you arrive.
Vehicle Carry Made Simple
Under Florida law, you can transport a concealed firearm in your vehicle without a license if you meet the “securely encased” standard—such as keeping it in a closed glove box. However, the new constitutional carry law means anyone over 21 can keep their handgun concealed on their person while driving, so long as they’re legally allowed to possess firearms.
Employee Parking Lots:
State law prevents most employers from prohibiting you from keeping a lawfully possessed firearm in a locked vehicle, even on company property. This includes ammunition stored together with or separate from the firearm.
Florida’s Self-Defense & Stand Your Ground
Florida recognizes strong self-defense protections:

- Use of Force: Permissible when a person believes it necessary to protect against imminent unlawful force.
- Stand Your Ground: If you’re in a place you have a right to be (home, workplace, or anywhere lawful), you don’t have to retreat from a threat.
- Castle Doctrine: If someone unlawfully enters your dwelling or vehicle, you’re presumed to have a reasonable fear of imminent harm if you use lethal force.
These legal defenses underscore why robust concealed carry training matters. Knowing when—and how—you can defend yourself is essential to staying safe and legal.
In our online resources for gun owners, you can find more educational material about self-defense and Second Amendment Laws.
Key Considerations for Travelers
Thanks to the new constitutional carry framework, you can carry concealed without a license if you’re visiting Florida and meet age and legal criteria.
Firearm Purchases & Waiting Periods
Private transactions between unlicensed individuals in Florida require no background check. However, a licensed dealer must conduct a background check if either party is an FFL holder. Some counties impose a three- to five-day waiting period for gun-show sales, though CWL holders are exempt. State law already mandates a three-business-day waiting period for most retail purchases, unless you have a valid Florida license.
Training & Qualification
While constitutional carry allows you to carry without a license, many still pursue a CWL for ease of purchase and interstate reciprocity. Florida’s training requirement includes:
- Safe handling and storage
- Live-fire exercises supervised by a certified instructor
- Federal and state law overviews, including stand your ground
- More robust coverage than minimal requirements found in some states
If you’re serious about carrying responsibly, the fundamentals of concealed carry training remain crucial even under permitless carry.
Reciprocity and CCW Requirements by State
Nearly half the U.S. states allow some form of constitutional carry, but that doesn’t guarantee mutual recognition. Florida only honors resident licenses from states that recognize Florida’s own licenses. If you plan to travel:
- Check that state’s reciprocity with Florida.
- Review local laws—some states limit the firearms or places you can carry.
- Consider getting a CWL if you want more coverage outside Florida.
The Bottom Line - Policing the Brass
From no permit needed to concealed carry, to limited open carry allowances, concealed carry laws Florida remain both flexible and structured. Even with constitutional carry, many choose to get a CWL to enjoy reciprocal benefits elsewhere, skip waiting periods, and formalize their firearms skills. Stay safe, practice regularly, and understand your rights and responsibilities. By combining strong concealed carry training with knowledge of state laws, you’ll be ready to confidently exercise your Second Amendment freedoms in the Sunshine State.
For more details and specifics on the applicable laws in Florida, you can visit for more detailed information.
Concealed Carry Laws Florida: Q&A Section
CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY? Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Florida? | Yes. Pepper spray is legal when carried solely for lawful self-defense purposes. The container must have no more than 2 ounces of chemical. [Fla. Stat. § 790.053(2)(a)] |
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE? If Florida requires a permit to carry a concealed firearm, how are those permits issued? | Florida is a shall-issue, permitless carry state. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) issues Concealed Weapons Licenses (CWLs). Permitless concealed carry for anyone 21+ legally able to own a firearm took effect on July 1, 2023. |
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED? Is open carry permitted in Florida? | Generally no. However, persons licensed to carry in Florida who have a concealed firearm may briefly display it unless it’s done angrily or threateningly. Certain activities (fishing, camping, lawful hunting, target shooting at a range, etc.) allow limited open carry by statute. [Fla. Stat. §§ 790.053 and 790.25(1)] |
TASERS OR STUN GUNS? Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Florida? | Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal without a license. Concealed carry of them is also legal. They cannot be taken to school property or school-sponsored events without authorization. [Fla. Stat. §§ 790.01(3)(b), 790.115, 790.053] |
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED? Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Florida with a concealed carry license (or under permitless carry if applicable)? | Yes. A Florida Concealed Weapons License (CWL) covers “electronic weapons or devices, tear gas guns, knives, and billies,” among others. [Fla. Stat. § 790.06(1)] |
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS? Does Florida have ammunition restrictions? | Yes. Armor-piercing, exploding bullets, “dragon’s breath,” bolo shells, or flechette shells are illegal. [Fla. Stat. § 790.31(2)] |
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS? Does Florida have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns? | No. Florida does not restrict the capacity of magazines for firearms. |
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY? What is the minimum age in Florida to get a concealed carry license? | 21 years old, or active military/honorably discharged veterans of any age. |
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY? Does Florida allow constitutional carry? | Yes. As of July 1, 2023, any legal firearm owner aged 21+ can carry a concealed firearm in Florida without a permit (permitless concealed carry). |
CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL? Can you carry a concealed firearm in restaurants that serve alcohol in Florida? | You may carry concealed in the restaurant area that serves alcohol. However, no concealed carry is allowed in the bar areas of restaurants or standalone bars. [Fla. Stat. § 790.06(12)(a)(12)] |
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS (WMAS)? Can you carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forests and WMAs in Florida? | Yes, with a Florida CWL or a recognized out-of-state permit/license. Federal law applies in federal buildings or other restricted areas. Open carry is allowed when lawfully fishing, camping, or hunting. [Fla. Stat. 790.025(3)(h)] |
CARRY IN VEHICLE? Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Florida? | Yes, it is legal to carry concealed in your vehicle with or without a CWL. You must be 21+ (unless active/ honorably discharged military) if carrying under permitless carry. See § 15 790.251 |
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL? Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Florida? | Florida statutes don’t specifically address hotels. Each hotel may set its own policy. You’ll need a CWL for concealed carry in public/common areas if not relying on permitless carry. Check with the hotel. |
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS? Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Florida? | Yes. Permits or permitless concealed carry by anyone 21+ is allowed. |
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT? Does the state have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot? | Yes. Employers cannot prohibit a locked firearm inside/locked to a private vehicle. There are exceptions for certain high-security or hazardous facilities. [Fla. Stat. § 790.251(7)] |
PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY? Does Florida allow public access to concealed carry registry info via public records? | No. The registry is exempt from public records law. Law enforcement can still access it. |
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING? Any requirement to inform a police officer in Florida? | No, unless the officer asks. There is no “must inform” law. However, it’s generally prudent to advise the officer respectfully. |
RED FLAG LAW? Does Florida have a red flag law? | Yes. Law enforcement or agencies can request a Risk Protection Order temporarily removing firearms from those deemed dangerous. [Fla. Stat. § 790.401] |
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED? Are such signs enforced in Florida? | No. “No Guns” signs lack legal authority under state law, but refusal to leave after being asked may result in trespassing charges. |
TRIBAL LAND Can you carry a firearm on tribal land in Florida? | By law, Florida assumes jurisdiction on Indian reservations for criminal offenses. However, each tribe may have additional restrictions. Always obtain permission from tribal authority. § 4-1-126 |
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES? Are there restrictions? | You cannot discharge or have a loaded firearm in hand while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Self-defense use is exempted. [Fla. Stat. § 790.151] Regardless, carrying while impaired is strongly discouraged. |
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING? Does Florida issue concealed carry licenses to non-residents? | Yes. Florida issues CWLs to qualified non-residents. The process mirrors residents. |
BRANDISHING? Does Florida law define brandishing? | Florida doesn’t use “brandishing,” but improper exhibition of a firearm is prohibited. Displaying a weapon in a rude, careless, or threatening manner is a crime. [Fla. Stat. § 790.10] |
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT? Is my Florida driver’s license linked to my CWL? | No. Your CWL data is not automatically linked to your driver’s license. However, police can access concealed carry data in certain databases. |
PREEMPTION? Are local gun laws preempted by Florida state law? | Yes. Florida has full preemption of firearms laws. Local officials knowingly violating preemption may face fines or removal. [Fla. Stat. § 790.33] |
WAITING PERIOD? Is there a waiting period for handgun purchases in Florida? | Yes. 3 business days or until the background check is completed, whichever is later. CWL holders are exempt. Some counties extend it up to 5 days. |
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK? Does a permit exempt me from a background check in Florida? | No. Florida law requires a background check on all firearm purchases from licensed dealers. |
PURCHASE PERMITS? Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Florida? | No. But you must be at least 21 years old to purchase a firearm from a licensed dealer. Private transfers are also subject to federal law. |
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES? Are they required in Florida? | No. Private sellers don’t need to run background checks unless local ordinance requires it at gun shows, etc. However, federal law applies, and some county regulations may impose waiting periods. |
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT? What is Florida’s minimum age to possess/transport a handgun? | Generally 18 for possession or transport. A buyer must be 21 to purchase from an FFL (with some exemptions for military, etc.). [Fla. Stat. §§ 790.17, 790.22] |
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT? Is it legal in Florida? | Yes. You can open or conceal carry on property you own/lease without a license. [Fla. Stat. § 790.25(3)(n)] |
HANDGUN REGISTRATION? Is registration of handguns required in Florida? | No. There is no firearms registration in Florida. |
WHAT ARE ALL STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES FLORIDA HONOR? | Florida honors resident CCW licenses only from the states that honor Florida licenses and provide a similar degree of protection. These states include (but are not limited to):
(Full list available in detail above. Must be a resident license only.) |
WHAT ARE ALL OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RECIPROCITY WITH FLORIDA? | The following states honor Florida permits:
*“PC-18” means permitless if 18, etc. |
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH FLORIDA? | These states restrict certain types of Florida licenses or require FL licensees to be residents:
WHAT ARE ALL THE PERMITLESS CARRY STATES? | Alabama (PC-19, handguns only) Alaska (PC-21) Arizona (PC-21) Arkansas (PC-18) Florida (PC-21) Georgia (PC-21) Idaho (PC-18) Indiana (PC-18) Iowa (PC-21) Kansas (PC-21) Kentucky (PC-21) Louisiana (PC-21) Maine (PC-21) Mississippi (PC-21) Missouri (PC-19, 18 for military) Montana (PC-18) Nebraska (PC-21, handguns only) New Hampshire (PC-18) North Dakota (PC-18) Ohio (PC-21) Oklahoma (PC-21) South Carolina (PC-18) South Dakota (PC-18) Tennessee (PC-18) Texas (PC-21) Utah (PC-21) Vermont (PC-18) West Virginia (PC-21) Wyoming (PC-21) *PC-18 = permitless if 18, PC-19 = permitless if 19, PC-21 = permitless if 21 |
WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN? | You must request a duplicate from FDACS within 30 days. Send a notarized statement and $15 fee to: Division of Licensing P.O. Box 6387 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6387 |
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR? | Florida concealed weapons licenses are valid for 7 years. |
LINK TO APPLICATION | Florida CWL Application & Details |
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED? | Yes. Florida issues licenses to non-residents. The process is identical to that for residents. |
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF FLORIDA AND WANT OR HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? | Moving to Florida? You can apply as soon as you meet Florida’s residency or apply as a non-resident. Existing out-of-state CCW remains valid for 90 days after establishing FL residency. Moving from Florida? Your FL license remains valid until it expires. Notify FDACS of your new address as required. |
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? | • $97 total for a new license (tax collector offices may charge up to $22 extra). • $45 renewal for residents, $87 for non-residents (includes fingerprint fee). |
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME? | FDACS has 90 days after receiving a complete application to approve or deny. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES? | Inform FDACS in writing within 30 days. You can mail them or update online. If you want a revised license, a $15 fee is required for a duplicate. |
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? | • 21+ years old (or active/ honorably discharged military) • US citizen or legal resident • Firearms training course or exemption • Must not be a prohibited possessor • No felony convictions • Adhere to federal law |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS? | 1. Complete firearms training 2. Apply online, in-person or by mail 3. Submit fingerprints 4. Pay fees 5. Await FDACS processing (up to 90 days) |
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE? | Must demonstrate competency. Typically includes a firearms safety class with live fire in instructor’s presence. Certain military/LEO exemptions apply. |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS? | 1. FDACS mails renewal notice ~150 days before expiration 2. Renew in person (at FDACS regional office or Tax Collector) or by mail or online 3. Fee: $45 for resident renewals, $87 for non-resident 4. 6-month grace period after expiration (with $15 late fee) |
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | • Most public areas, incl. restaurants (non-bar areas) • State/national parks, forests & WMAs • Your vehicle • Roadside rest areas • Places of worship (unless posted) |
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | • Any K-12 school, college or university • Courthouses, polling places • Meetings of governing bodies • Bars/bar areas of restaurants • Jails, prisons, detention facilities • Secure portions of airports • Any place prohibited by federal law [Fla. Stat. § 790.06(12)(a)] |
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW? | Yes. It’s unlawful to intentionally interfere with or attempt to disturb lawful hunting or fishing activities. [Fla. Stat. 379.105] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING? | Yes, for defensive purposes with a CWL or under permitless concealed carry if 21+. Specific rules exist if actually hunting with a handgun. |
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING? | Yes, with a Florida CWL or under permitless concealed carry for self-defense. Handgun must not be used to take game unless allowed by hunting regulations. |
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS? | • Open carry of most knives is legal • Conceal carry of ordinary pocketknives is allowed without a license • Ballistic knives are prohibited • Blades ≥4 inches often require CWL if concealed |
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED? | No specific Florida statute prohibits wearing a mask while carrying. Prohibitions only apply if intending to deprive someone of rights or commit a crime. [Fla. Stat. §§ 876.12, 876.13, 876.155] |
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S OR RETIRED LEO’S? | Yes. Under LEOSA (HR 218), qualified active or retired LEOs can carry nationwide. Florida law (Fla. Stat. § 943.132, etc.) sets procedures for RLEO annual qualification. |
Legal Note
This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.