Understanding Concealed Carry Laws in Maine
Maine is one of the most firearm-friendly states in the country, allowing both open and concealed carry without a permit for those who meet legal requirements. The state’s permitless carry law, often referred to as “constitutional carry,” enables individuals 21 and older to carry a concealed firearm without obtaining a permit. Additionally, individuals 18 and older who are active duty or honorably discharged military personnel also qualify for permitless carry.
However, Maine does issue Permits to Carry Concealed Handguns (CCHs), which can be beneficial for reciprocity purposes when traveling to other states. These permits are available to both residents and non-residents, with a requirement to complete a state-approved concealed carry training course.

Table of Contents
Concealed Carry Training Requirements in Maine
Although Maine allows permitless carry, obtaining a concealed carry permit requires completion of a recognized firearms training course. This training ensures that applicants understand gun safety, Maine’s self-defense laws, and responsible firearm handling. The course must be completed within five years prior to applying for a permit. However, active duty or honorably discharged military personnel may be exempt from this requirement.
CCW Requirements by State: Maine's Reciprocity Agreements
Maine recognizes concealed handgun permits from other states, provided those states honor Maine’s resident permits. This means that permit holders from reciprocal states can legally carry in Maine under specific conditions. Likewise, Maine residents with a CCH permit may carry in certain other states that recognize Maine permits.
Maine also allows individuals without a permit to carry in most locations; however, a permit grants additional privileges, such as carrying in Acadia National Park and certain state parks where permitless carry is not permitted.
Key Concealed Carry Laws and Restrictions
While Maine generally upholds Second Amendment rights, there are still restrictions on where firearms can be carried. Some of the primary prohibitions include:
- Schools and courthouses – Firearms are prohibited in K-12 schools and court buildings.
- Bars and restaurants serving alcohol – Concealed carry is allowed unless explicitly posted, but carrying while under the influence is illegal.
- Private properties with posted signs – Property owners have the right to prohibit firearms on their premises.
- Federal buildings and military bases – Federal law supersedes state laws in these locations.
- State Capitol area – Carrying firearms in Maine’s State Capitol or government buildings is prohibited.
- Wildlife sanctuaries and Baxter State Park – Firearms are not allowed in designated wildlife sanctuaries.
Self-Defense Laws in Maine: Castle Doctrine and Duty to Retreat
Maine follows Castle Doctrine principles, meaning individuals have the right to use force, including deadly force, to defend themselves in their own home against an intruder. However, Maine does not have a Stand Your Ground law. This means that outside of one’s dwelling, there is a duty to retreat before using deadly force—if it is safe to do so.

For additional legal educational information, you can visit our online resources guide where you can find more information on self-defense and Second Amendment Law.
Transporting Firearms in Maine
Maine law allows for concealed carry in vehicles without a permit. Individuals who legally possess a firearm can keep it concealed while traveling, making it convenient for personal defense. Employers may not prohibit employees from storing a firearm in their locked vehicle while parked on company property, provided it is not visible.
Obtaining a Concealed Carry Permit in Maine
While not required for everyday carry within the state, a concealed carry permit can provide advantages for those who frequently travel. To apply for a Maine CCH permit, applicants must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Not be prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm.
- Complete an approved firearms training course.
- Demonstrate good moral character (background checks apply).
- Submit the required application and $35 fee ($20 for renewals).
- Provide proof of residency (or apply as a non-resident).
The processing time for new permits is 30 days for residents of at least five years and 60 days for non-residents or recent Maine residents.
Maine’s Red Flag Law: Does It Exist?
Maine does not have a Red Flag Law or Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) legislation. This means there are no laws allowing authorities to seize firearms from individuals deemed a threat without due process. Instead, Maine upholds strong protections for lawful gun owners.
Conclusion - Policing the Brass
Maine’s concealed carry laws offer some of the more permissive gun rights in the nation, allowing law-abiding citizens to carry without a permit while still offering optional permits for reciprocity. Whether you choose to carry under constitutional carry provisions or obtain a CCH permit, understanding the laws ensures that you stay compliant while exercising your Second Amendment rights.
For those new to carrying, completing concealed carry training is a valuable step in responsible firearm ownership. As laws evolve, checking for updates on CCW requirements by state can ensure lawful and informed carry, both in Maine and while traveling.
HandgunLaw.us maintains a downloadable guide to Maine’s concealed carry laws that you can find here.
Concealed Carry Laws Maine: Q&A Section
CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY? Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Maine? | Yes, disabling chemicals (e.g., pepper spray) can be used to defend a person, premises, or in preventing criminal mischief. There are no specific state statutes prohibiting its purchase or use. [17-A Me. Rev. Stat. 41 § 1002] |
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE? If Maine requires a permit to carry a concealed firearm, how are those permits issued? | Maine is a shall-issue state. Permits to Carry Concealed Handguns (CCHs) are issued through the Maine State Police or local issuing authorities. |
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED? Is open carry permitted in Maine? | Yes, without a permit. Any person who is at least 21 years old and legally entitled to possess a firearm can openly carry in Maine. |
TASERS OR STUN GUNS? Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Maine? | Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess without a permit. They may be used in defense of a person or the person’s dwelling place. [17-A Me. Rev. Stat. 41 § 1004] |
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED? Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Maine with a concealed carry permit (or under permitless carry if applicable)? | No. Maine’s permit applies to handguns only. Other weapons are not covered under Maine’s concealed carry statutes. |
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS? Does Maine have ammunition restrictions? | Yes. Maine prohibits armor-piercing ammunition. [Me. Stat. 17-A § 1056] |
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS? Does Maine have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns? | No. Maine does not impose magazine capacity restrictions for handguns. |
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY? What is the minimum age in Maine to get a concealed carry permit? | You must be at least 21 years old to carry without a permit. However, 18- to 20-year-olds who are active duty or honorably discharged military can carry concealed if legally allowed to possess firearms. |
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY? Does the state allow constitutional carry? | Yes. Maine allows permitless (constitutional) carry for anyone 21+ (18+ if active or honorably discharged military) who can legally possess a firearm. |
CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL? Can you carry a concealed firearm in restaurants that serve alcohol in Maine? | Yes, unless posted and provided you are not under the influence. Under the influence (BAC of 0.08 or higher) is prohibited while carrying in such establishments. [17-A Me. Rev. Stat. 43, § 1057] |
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS (WMAS)? Can you carry a concealed firearm in these areas in Maine? | State/National Parks & Forests: Yes, but you must have a valid permit. Permitless carry is not allowed in these locations. Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs): Anyone can conceal carry in Maine WMAs without a permit. [State Park Rule 20(b), Title 12 Me Rev. Stat. 220 §1803(7)] |
CARRY IN VEHICLE? Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Maine? | Yes, you can conceal carry in a vehicle without a permit, as long as you meet Maine’s age and legal possession requirements. |
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL? Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Maine? | An innkeeper or campground owner may refuse or eject anyone they reasonably believe is bringing in firearms. Each hotel sets its own firearms policy, so check with them directly. [Me. Stat. 30-A § 3838(3)] |
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS? Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Maine? | Yes. Concealed carry is permitted at roadside rest areas in Maine. |
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT? Does Maine have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot? | Yes. Employers cannot prohibit employees who have valid Maine CCH permits from keeping firearms in locked, privately owned vehicles, as long as firearms are not visible. [26 Me. Rev. Stat. 7 §600] |
PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY? Does the state allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law? | No. Maine does not grant public access to its concealed carry registry. Only law enforcement can access it. |
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING? Do you have a duty to notify a police officer that you’re carrying a concealed firearm in Maine? | Yes, if you are carrying without a permit, you must inform an officer upon official contact. If you carry under a valid Maine or reciprocal permit, you do not have a duty to inform unless asked. [25 Me. Rev. Stat. 252 § 2003-A] |
RED FLAG LAW? Does the state have a red flag law? | No. Maine does not have an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) or red flag law. |
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED? Are “No Weapons Allowed” signs enforced in Maine? If yes, violating the sign would be considered a crime. If no, it would not be considered a criminal offense. | Yes. Entering a clearly posted location with a firearm can result in criminal trespass or criminal possession on licensed premises. [Me. Rev. Stat. 17, § 402.1.C; 17-A Me. Rev. Stat. §1057] |
TRIBAL LAND Can you carry a firearm on tribal land in Maine? | Each tribe establishes its own rules. The Penobscot Nation prohibits the carrying of firearms. Consult tribal authorities for policies. |
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE? Does the state have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance? | It is illegal to possess a firearm in establishments serving alcohol if you are under the influence. Having a 0.08 or higher BAC (or intoxicated by drugs) while carrying in such places is prohibited. [17-A Me. Rev. Stat. 43, § 1057] |
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING? Does the state issue concealed carry permits to non-residents? | Yes. Maine does issue non-resident permits through the same process as resident permits. |
BRANDISHING? Does the state law define brandishing? | No. Maine does not define “brandishing.” However, threateningly displaying a dangerous weapon can be illegal under other statutes. [25 Me. Rev. Stat. § 2001-A] |
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT? Is my state driver’s license linked to my state carry permit? | No. Maine does not automatically link a driver’s license to a carry permit. An officer is not notified upon a license check unless you have requested that linkage. |
PREEMPTION? Does the state have preemption laws related to concealed carry (i.e. does state law supersede local laws regarding the possession of handguns)? | Yes, Maine maintains full preemption over local regulations concerning firearms. [25 Me. Rev. Stat. 252-A, § 2011] |
WAITING PERIOD? Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Maine? | Yes. As of August 9, 2024, there is a 72-hour waiting period for firearm purchases in Maine. |
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK? Does my current state concealed carry permit exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase a firearm? | No. Maine does not exempt carry permits from background checks for firearm purchases through licensed dealers. |
PURCHASE PERMITS? Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Maine? | No. Maine does not require a permit to buy a handgun. |
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES? Are background checks required for private gun sales in Maine? | No, although federal and state prohibitions still apply. Sellers can request assistance from the Maine Department of Public Safety to run voluntary checks. |
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT? What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in Maine? | 18 years old. However, permitless concealed carry requires you to be at least 21 unless you are active duty or honorably discharged military. [17A Me. Rev. Stat. 23 §554-B] |
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT? Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home without a permit? | Yes. Maine allows permitless carry for those legally allowed to own firearms, on their own property. |
HANDGUN REGISTRATION? Do handguns need to be registered in Maine? | No. Maine does not require handgun registration. |
WHAT ARE ALL STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES THE STATE OF MAINE HONOR? | Maine honors valid resident concealed carry licenses from states that also recognize Maine’s permits. Maine law also permits those 21 or older, or 18 if military, to carry without a permit. |
*PC-18 or PC-19 indicates permitless carry ages for those states. |
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF MAINE? | The following states honor Maine resident permits only, or have additional age/permit restrictions:
*PC-18 or PC-21 indicates the minimum permitless carry age. |
WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN? | Contact your local State Police Office to request a duplicate or replacement permit. |
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR? | Permits in Maine are valid for 4 years. |
LINK TO APPLICATION | You can find the resident application and non-resident application on the Maine State Police website. |
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED? | Yes, non-residents follow the same process as residents. |
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF MAINE AND WANT OR HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? | If you move to Maine, you may apply for a resident permit once you have proper documentation (e.g., Maine driver’s license). If you move out of Maine, your permit may still be valid but must follow the change-of-address rules within 30 days. |
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? | New permits are $35, renewals are $20, and changes (duplicates, address, name) are $2. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME? | 30 days for applicants who have been Maine residents for 5+ years, and 60 days for non-residents or those with residency under 5 years. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES? | Notify issuing authority within 30 days of moving. Beyond 30 days, your permit becomes invalid; you’d have to start over. If moving within the same town and same issuing authority, call for updates; if changing towns or authorities, submit the appropriate form with a $2 fee. |
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? | • Be at least 18 years old • Not prohibited by state law from possessing a firearm • Demonstrate knowledge of handgun safety • Be of good moral character (checked over last 5 years) • No recent violations for firearm-in-liquor-establishments • No disqualifying convictions • Meet federal law requirements |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS? | 1. Read Maine’s concealed carry pamphlet 2. Complete the application 3. Submit application + supporting documents (photo, birth certificate, training proof, etc.) 4. Pay the fee ($35 for new permits) 5. Wait for approval (30-60 days) |
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE? | Proof of handgun safety training within the last 5 years, typically from an approved instructor or law enforcement agency course. Military with basic firearms training may be exempt. |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS? | 1. Submit renewal within 6 months of expiration 2. Send completed renewal application + $20 fee 3. Include passport photo, etc., as required 4. Await approval |
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | • Restaurants serving alcohol unless posted and not under the influence • Your vehicle without a permit • Roadside rest areas • State/national parks and forests if you have a permit, WMAs without a permit • Other locations not prohibited by law |
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | • Schools • Courthouses • State Capitol area • Places that are posted “No Weapons” • Liquor establishments if posted or under the influence • Hotels or campgrounds if prohibited by management • Wildlife sanctuaries • Baxter State Park, Allagash Wilderness • Any place prohibited by federal or state law |
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW? | Yes. Interfering with someone lawfully hunting or fishing is prohibited. [Me. Rev. Stat. 12, §10654] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING? | Yes, you may concealed carry while hunting with a shotgun/rifle. |
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING? | Yes, but only with a valid permit. You may not use the handgun to shoot or dispatch a wounded deer. [ME Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife] |
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS? | Maine does not ban knife types. However, dangerous weapons (dirks, Bowie knives, stilettos) cannot be concealed or displayed in a threatening way. [25 M.R.S. § 2001-A] |
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED? | Maine has no statute prohibiting carrying concealed while wearing a COVID mask. |
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S (LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS) OR RETIRED LEO’S? | Law enforcement officers and retired officers may carry concealed under LEOSA. Maine’s Criminal Justice Academy Certified Firearms Instructors can provide qualifications for RLEOs. |
Legal Note
This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.