Massachusetts has long been known for its stringent firearm regulations, but recent legal changes have reshaped how concealed carry laws operate in the state. With Massachusetts now a shall-issue state following the Supreme Court’s NYSRPA v. Bruen decision, understanding the process of obtaining a License to Carry (LTC) and navigating the state’s regulations is essential for lawful gun owners.
In this guide, we’ll break down concealed carry laws in Massachusetts, covering licensing, restrictions, reciprocity, and self-defense laws. Whether you’re a resident, non-resident, or planning to travel through the state, this article will provide the necessary information to ensure compliance.

Table of Contents
Understanding Massachusetts’ Concealed Carry Laws
Licensing and Permit Requirements
Massachusetts requires residents and non-residents to obtain a License to Carry (LTC) to carry concealed. The process is overseen by local police departments for residents and by the State Police Firearms Records Bureau for non-residents.
CCW Requirements by State: How Massachusetts Compares
Compared to many other states, Massachusetts has more stringent requirements for obtaining an LTC:
- Minimum Age: 21
- Background Check: Required
- Training Requirement: A state-approved firearms safety course is mandatory
- Good Cause Requirement: No longer in effect due to Massachusetts’ shift to a shall-issue system
- Processing Time: Up to 60 days for residents, 90 days for non-residents
- License Validity: 6 years for residents, 1 year for non-residents
While obtaining an LTC is more involved than in some states, recent reforms have improved accessibility for law-abiding citizens.
Concealed Carry Training and Firearms Safety Requirements
Before applying for an LTC, individuals must complete concealed carry training through a Massachusetts-certified instructor. Courses cover:
- Safe handling, use, and storage of firearms
- Understanding Massachusetts firearm laws
- Self-defense principles and de-escalation tactics
- Live firearms training
Military personnel and law enforcement officers may be exempt from this training requirement.
Massachusetts’ Self-Defense and Use-of-Force Laws
Massachusetts follows the Castle Doctrine, which allows individuals to use force, including deadly force, to defend themselves inside their homes if they believe an intruder is about to cause serious harm.
However, Massachusetts does not have a Stand Your Ground law. This means that outside of one’s home, there is a duty to retreat before using deadly force, provided it is safe to do so.

For more legal educational resources, visit our online gun owners’ resources guide, which contains excellent self-defense law and Second Amendment law resources.
Where You Can and Can’t Carry in Massachusetts
While Massachusetts permits concealed carry with an LTC, there are several restricted locations, including:
- Schools & universities (except for law enforcement)
- Courthouses
- Airports
- Polling places (within 150 feet)
- Federal buildings & properties
- Private properties with “No Weapons Allowed” signs (These signs are legally enforceable)
Where Carry is Allowed with an LTC:
- Bars and restaurants (unless otherwise posted)
- Roadside rest areas
- State and national parks
- Places of worship (unless prohibited by the establishment)
Concealed Carry in Vehicles
Transporting a firearm in Massachusetts has specific legal requirements:
- With an LTC: You may carry a loaded or unloaded handgun in your vehicle, but it must be under your direct control. If not, it must be unloaded and locked in a secure case.
- Without an LTC: You may not transport a handgun unless it is unloaded, locked in a secure case, and inaccessible to the driver.
- Large-capacity rifles & shotguns: Must always be transported unloaded and in a locked case—trigger locks alone are insufficient.
Massachusetts Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Unlike many states that recognize out-of-state concealed carry permits, Massachusetts does not honor any other state’s CCW permits. However, Massachusetts residents may have their LTCs honored in certain states.
States That Honor Massachusetts LTCs
Full Reciprocity:
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- Virginia
Permitless Carry States (For Law-Abiding Citizens Over 18 or 21):
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Florida
- Georgia
- Texas
- Tennessee
Massachusetts Gun Laws: Additional Considerations
- Magazine Restrictions: Handgun magazines cannot exceed 10 rounds unless lawfully possessed before September 13, 1994.
- Tasers & Stun Guns: Legal with an LTC, but must resemble a firearm (not disguised as pens or other objects).
- Pepper Spray: Can be carried without an LTC, but can only be purchased from an FFL.
- Red Flag Law: Family members or law enforcement can request temporary firearm confiscation if an individual is deemed a risk.
How to Apply for a Concealed Carry License in Massachusetts
Step 1: Complete a Firearms Safety Course
Find a Massachusetts-certified instructor and obtain a Basic Firearms Safety Certificate.
Step 2: Submit an LTC Application
- Residents: Apply through your local police department.
- Non-Residents: Apply in-person at the State Police Firearms Records Bureau.
Step 3: Pass Background Checks & Processing
Your fingerprints will be taken, and a criminal background check will be conducted.
Step 4: Receive Your LTC
Approval takes up to 60 days for residents and 90 days for non-residents.
Step 5: Renew as Needed
- Resident LTCs are valid for 6 years.
- Non-resident LTCs must be renewed annually.
Policing the Brass: Is Massachusetts Concealed Carry Worth It?
While concealed carry laws in Massachusetts are among the strictest in the country, obtaining an LTC allows responsible citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights while staying compliant with the law.
Massachusetts remains a challenging state for gun owners, but the move to a shall-issue system has made it more accessible than before. For those who want to legally carry, meeting the CCW requirements by state standards and staying informed about concealed carry training and regulations is essential.
If you would like a downloadable guide to concealed carry laws Massachusetts, you can visit here.
Concealed Carry Laws Massachusetts: Q&A Section
CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY? Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Massachusetts? | Yes, chemical mace or pepper spray can be carried without an LTC. It may only be sold by Federal Firearms Licensees and purchasers must meet all statutory requirements, such as age and criminal history restrictions. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140, §§ 122C and 122D] |
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE? If Massachusetts requires a permit to carry a concealed firearm, how are those permits issued? | Massachusetts is now a shall-issue state. Licenses to Carry (LTC) are issued at local police stations for residents and through the State Police Firearms Records Bureau for non-residents. Applicants must complete a state‐approved firearms training course and meet all eligibility criteria. |
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED? Is open carry permitted in Massachusetts? | Yes, open carry is permitted with a valid license. However, open carry under the former Class B license is now uncommon and may result in additional scrutiny or charges such as menacing. |
TASERS OR STUN GUNS? Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Massachusetts? | Yes, stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess with a valid LTC, provided they are carried in a manner that meets state requirements. Purchasers must present a valid resident firearms license, state ID, and a certificate from a Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety Course, and undergo a background check. [Session Law Chapter 123 (2018)] |
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED? Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Massachusetts with a concealed carry permit? | Yes, a Massachusetts LTC (or a valid formerly issued Class A LTC) permits the licensee to purchase, possess, rent, borrow, or carry lawful firearms. This includes handguns and, for holders of Class A licenses, large capacity firearms with their feeding devices. However, the permit does not extend to unregulated weapons outside of those defined by Massachusetts law. |
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS? Does Massachusetts have ammunition restrictions? | Yes. While licensed individuals may purchase and possess all types of lawful ammunition, handgun ammunition may only be purchased by persons who are at least 21 years old. |
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS? Does Massachusetts have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns? | Yes. A detachable magazine for a handgun may not have a capacity of more than 10 rounds. It is illegal to sell, offer for sale, transfer, or possess a magazine that exceeds this limit, with exemptions for certain law enforcement officers and retired officers. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140, §§ 121, 131M] |
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY? What is the minimum age in Massachusetts to get a concealed carry permit? | You must be at least 21 years old to obtain an LTC in Massachusetts. Individuals aged 18–20 may be eligible for a limited permit for employment purposes only. |
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY? Does Massachusetts allow constitutional carry? | No. Massachusetts does not allow constitutional carry; you must hold a valid LTC or a formerly issued, valid Class A LTC to legally carry a concealed firearm. |
CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL? Can you carry a concealed firearm in restaurants that serve alcohol in Massachusetts? | Yes, with a valid LTC you may carry a concealed firearm in restaurants, unless the establishment is posted with a prohibition. Note that beginning October 1, 2023, establishments licensed to sell or dispense alcohol or cannabis for on-site consumption are prohibited from allowing concealed carry. |
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS (WMAS)? Can you carry a concealed firearm in these areas in Massachusetts? | Yes, with a valid LTC you may carry a concealed firearm in state and national parks, state and national forests, and Wildlife Management Areas. However, some restrictions apply; for example, concealed carry is not permitted in many state/national parks and forests, while WMAs may allow carry with a permit. |
CARRY IN VEHICLE? Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Massachusetts? | If you hold a valid Massachusetts LTC, you may transport a handgun in your vehicle. A person with a Class “A” LTC may carry a handgun loaded or unloaded on their person or under direct control; if not under direct control, it must be unloaded and secured in a locked case or container, or secured with a trigger lock. [M.G.L. c. 140, §131C] |
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL? Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Massachusetts? | Massachusetts statutes do not specifically address firearms in hotels. However, innkeepers may set their own policies and may refuse or eject guests if they believe a firearm poses a danger. It is advisable to check with the hotel in advance. |
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS? Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Massachusetts? | Yes, with a valid LTC you may carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas. |
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT? Does Massachusetts have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot? | Massachusetts state law does not specifically regulate the storage of firearms in employee parking lots; however, individual employers may implement their own policies regarding firearm storage. |
PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY? Does the state allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law? | No. Massachusetts does not allow public access to its concealed carry registry information. |
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING? Do you have a duty to notify a police officer that you’re carrying a concealed firearm in Massachusetts? | No. There is no statutory duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying a concealed firearm in Massachusetts. [Mass. Ann. Laws ch. 106, § 129C(u)] |
RED FLAG LAW? Does the state have a red flag law? | Yes. Massachusetts has a red flag law that allows immediate family members or law enforcement to petition for an order suspending a firearms license and requiring the surrender of firearms and ammunition if a person is deemed an extreme risk. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 131J–131Y] |
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED? Are “No Weapons Allowed” signs enforced in Massachusetts? | Yes. If a location is clearly posted with a “No Weapons Allowed” sign, carrying a concealed firearm there is a criminal offense. Additionally, carrying a firearm in a licensed alcohol establishment while under the influence can result in penalties. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 106, § 129C(u)] |
TRIBAL LAND Can you carry a firearm on tribal land in Massachusetts? | No. For example, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe does not permit the carrying of firearms on its lands. |
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE? Does the state have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance? | It is illegal to carry a concealed firearm while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances in Massachusetts. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 269, § 10(b)] |
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING? Does the state issue concealed carry permits to non-residents? | Yes. Massachusetts issues concealed carry permits (LTCs) to non-residents through the State Police Firearms Records Bureau, although non-residents must appear in person for their initial application. |
BRANDISHING? Does the state law define brandishing? | No specific definition of brandishing is provided in Massachusetts law; however, intentionally using a dangerous weapon to cause harm or threaten physical injury is treated as assault with a dangerous weapon. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 265, § 15B(b)] |
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT? Is my Massachusetts driver’s license linked to my Massachusetts carry permit? | Yes. In Massachusetts, your driver’s license is linked to your firearms license, so law enforcement can see your concealed carry status during routine checks. |
PREEMPTION? Does the state have preemption laws related to concealed carry? | No. Massachusetts does not have full state preemption over concealed carry laws; localities may impose regulations on firearms in certain public spaces. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 43B, § 13] |
WAITING PERIOD? Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Massachusetts? | Yes. There is a seven-day waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Massachusetts. |
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK? Does my current Massachusetts concealed carry permit exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase a firearm? | No, your current Massachusetts concealed carry permit does not exempt you from undergoing a background check when purchasing a firearm. |
PURCHASE PERMITS? Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Massachusetts? | Yes. To purchase a handgun in Massachusetts, you must possess a valid Firearm Identification (FID) card or LTC. Additionally, a background check is required and sales are reported via the MA Gun Transaction Portal. |
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES? Are background checks required for private gun sales in Massachusetts? | Yes. Private sellers must conduct a real-time check of the purchaser’s FID using the MA Gun Transaction Portal and forward the transaction information to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services within seven days. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140, Sect. 128A] |
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT? What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in Massachusetts? | You must be at least 21 years old to possess and transport a handgun in Massachusetts. However, minors may use a handgun for supervised activities such as hunting or target practice with proper consent. |
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT? Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home without a permit? | Yes. Anyone legally entitled to carry a firearm (i.e. possessing a valid FID or LTC) may possess a firearm on property they own, lease, or operate as their residence or place of business. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 269, § 10(a)(10)] |
HANDGUN REGISTRATION? Do handguns need to be registered in Massachusetts? | Yes. All handguns must be registered. New residents are required to register all regulated firearms with the Secretary of Public Safety through the MA Gun Transaction Portal, and all sales and transfers must be reported. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140, § 123] |
WHICH STATES’ CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS HONOR? | Massachusetts does not honor any concealed carry permits or licenses issued by other states. |
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS? | States with restricted reciprocity (only honoring Massachusetts resident permits) include:
*PC-18 = permitless carry if at least 18 years old; *PC-21 = permitless carry if at least 21 years old. |
WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN? | Submit a notarized letter detailing the circumstances surrounding the loss or theft, along with a $10 fee and a recent passport-style photograph. Additional documentation may be required for certain professions. |
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR? | Initial permits expire on the last day of your birth month following two years after issuance and may be renewed for successive three-year periods. |
LINK TO APPLICATION | Applications are submitted via the online Massachusetts State Police licensing portal. (Link to Resident LTC/FID application) |
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED? | Yes. Massachusetts issues concealed carry permits to non-residents using a process similar to that for residents. Non-residents must appear in person for initial applications at the Firearms Records Bureau. |
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF MASSACHUSETTS? | If you move to Massachusetts, you may apply for a resident LTC by providing proof of residency. If you move out of Massachusetts, your permit remains valid until it expires provided you notify the licensing authority of your change of address using the required form. |
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT? | Initial permit fees are $100. (Note: Fee amounts are subject to change.) |
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME? | Processing time can be up to 60 days. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES? | You must notify the licensing authority in writing within 30 days of any change by mailing the Change of Address Form to the appropriate address provided on the official website. |
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? | An applicant must be at least 21 years old (or 18 for employment purposes), be a U.S. citizen or legal alien, demonstrate knowledge of handgun safety through a state-approved training course, pass fingerprint and background checks, have good moral character with no disqualifying criminal convictions, and meet all federal requirements. |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS? | Applicants must complete an approved basic firearms safety course, have their fingerprints taken at an authorized Electronic Fingerprint Processing Center, and then submit an online application via the Massachusetts licensing portal with the required documents, photographs, and fees. |
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE? | You must successfully complete a state-approved firearms training course. For an initial LTC application, a minimum of 16 hours of instruction including live-fire training is required; for renewals, 8 hours of refresher training are required. The course covers safe use, handling, storage, and Massachusetts firearms law. |
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS? | Renew your LTC by submitting a renewal application via the online licensing portal at least 90 business days before your permit expires. You must complete an 8-hour refresher training course, update your photographs and documentation, and pay the renewal fee. Renewal permits are issued for successive three-year periods. |
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | With a valid LTC, you may carry a concealed firearm in permitted locations such as restaurants (unless posted with a prohibition), roadside rest areas, and in your vehicle (if properly secured). However, restrictions apply in areas like schools, hospitals, state parks/forests, and certain public buildings. |
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM? | You cannot carry a concealed firearm in public schools, child care centers, hospitals, state parks, state and national forests, Chesapeake Forest Lands, state highway rest areas (unless properly secured in your vehicle), commercial aircraft, lodging establishments if prohibited by the innkeeper, and any other location where federal or state law prohibits firearm carry. |
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW? | Yes, Massachusetts law prohibits interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife by another person. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 13, § 5C] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE GUN HUNTING? | No, Massachusetts prohibits carrying a concealed handgun while engaging in deer hunting with a shotgun or rifle. [MA Dept of Fish & Wildlife Regulations] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING? | No, concealed carry of a handgun is not permitted while bow hunting in Massachusetts. |
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS? | Massachusetts does not forbid the ownership of any type of knife; however, certain knives (such as switchblades, dirks, double-edged knives, ballistic knives, and Bowie knives) may not be concealed or carried with the intent to harm, and all knives are banned from schools. Municipalities may have additional restrictions. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 269, §§ 10(b) and (j)] |
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED? | Yes, there is no Massachusetts statute that prohibits wearing a COVID-19 protective mask while carrying a concealed firearm. [Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 265, § 17; ch. 268, § 34] |
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S OR RETIRED LEO’S? | Yes, law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers in Massachusetts are exempt from certain restrictions, such as the prohibition on purchasing high-capacity magazines. They are not required to obtain a Handgun Qualification License for firearm purchases if they are current or retired state or federal officers. Out-of-state LEOs residing in Massachusetts must obtain an HQL but are exempt from training requirements. |
Legal Note
This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.