Mastering Concealed Carry Laws Oregon: Your Essential Guide for Confident Carry

Intro to Oregon's Concealed Carry Laws

Carrying a firearm in Oregon can be empowering for those who value their Second Amendment rights, but it also comes with responsibilities and legal requirements that every gun owner should take seriously. Understanding concealed carry laws Oregon is crucial to ensure that you’re armed with the facts. From obtaining a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) to navigating local open carry restrictions, let’s dive into all the details that matter.

concealed carry laws Oregon - Map of the state

Table of Contents

Overview of Concealed Carry Laws Oregon

Oregon is a shall-issue state, which means county sheriffs generally grant a concealed handgun license if you meet the specific statutory criteria. Despite its shall-issue designation, Oregon law grants local sheriffs some discretion if they believe the applicant may be a danger to themselves or others.

  • Age Requirement: You must be at least 21 years old to apply for an Oregon CHL.
  • Residency & Non-Residents: Oregon typically issues concealed carry licenses to residents. However, individuals from contiguous states may apply if they have compelling business or other legitimate needs.
  • Validity: An Oregon CHL is valid for four years.
  • No Reciprocity: One of the most notable features of concealed carry laws Oregon is that the state does not honor any out-of-state concealed carry permits. If you want to carry concealed in Oregon, you must have an Oregon CHL.

The Basics of Open Carry vs. Concealed Carry

Open Carry

  • Oregon allows open carry without a license.
  • Local governments (like Portland, Beaverton, and Salem) can restrict open carry of loaded firearms if you do not possess an Oregon CHL.
  • Public buildings, including many city- or county-owned properties, often prohibit open carry for non-CHL holders.

Concealed Carry

  • A valid Oregon CHL is required to carry concealed, regardless of whether a firearm is loaded.
  • No Constitutional Carry: Unlike some other states with less restrictive policies, Oregon does not permit carrying concealed without a license. That’s a key difference in CCW requirements by state.

Essential Concealed Carry Training

Part of obtaining your Oregon CHL involves proving competency with a handgun. For many applicants, this means completing concealed carry training through:

  • A firearms safety course taught by instructors certified by law enforcement or the NRA.
  • A hunters’ safety course that includes handgun training.
  • Military experience (e.g., showing a DD214 that indicates handgun proficiency).
  • Evidence of organized shooting competition or equivalent experience.

Thorough concealed carry training not only helps you meet licensing requirements but also builds confidence, ensures proper handling, and promotes responsible gun ownership.

Application Process and Fees

  • Complete Training: Ensure you have appropriate proof of handgun competency.
  • Application Form: Obtain and fill out the application from your county sheriff’s office (some offices provide online forms).
  • Documents and Fingerprints: Submit proof of training, valid ID, and any additional information required by the local sheriff. You will be fingerprinted.
  • Fees: The initial license fee is typically $100, plus $15 for a background check. Renewals cost $75 (exact fees may vary by county).
  • Processing Time: Sheriffs have up to 45 days to issue or deny your license after you complete all requirements.

Legal Considerations and Self-Defense Laws

Oregon does not have a formal “Castle Doctrine” or “stand your ground” law on the books. However, the state supreme court has ruled that there is no duty to retreat in public before using force in self-defense, if you reasonably believe force is necessary to protect yourself or others.

Use of Deadly Force

In Oregon, deadly force is only justified if you believe it’s necessary to prevent:

  • A felony involving the use or threat of physical force.
  • A burglary in a dwelling.
  • The imminent use of unlawful deadly force against yourself or someone else.

If you find yourself in a self-defense situation, your actions will be judged on whether they were reasonable under the circumstances. We maintain a list of legal educational resources that you can find here if you’d like more general information about self-defense and Second Amendment law. 

Location Restrictions and Special Rules

Even with a valid license, concealed carry laws Oregon place certain limits on where you can carry. Below are common restrictions:

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  1. Bars and Restaurants That Serve Alcohol: Generally permitted with a valid CHL unless posted otherwise.
  2. Roadside Rest Areas: Allowed with an OR CHL.
  3. Vehicles: With an OR CHL, you may conceal a loaded firearm in your vehicle. Without a license, the firearm must not be both concealed and easily accessible.
  4. Parks and Forests: Concealed carry is allowed in state and national parks, forests, and Wildlife Management Areas with a CHL.
  5. Tribal Land: Prohibited unless you have specific approval from the tribal authority.
  6. Colleges and Universities: Oregon’s public colleges have internal policies banning firearms, even for CHL holders, on school property.
  7. Certain Public Buildings: CHL holders can generally carry in some public buildings, but court facilities, secured airport areas, correctional facilities, and some other government-run locations are off-limits or require special permission.

Red Flag Law and Other Regulations

Oregon does have a red flag law (known as an Extreme Risk Protection Order). Law enforcement or a household member can petition the court to temporarily restrict an individual’s right to possess firearms if they are deemed a danger to themselves or others.


Although Oregon law does not specifically define “brandishing,” attempting to place someone in fear of imminent serious harm or pointing a firearm at someone without justification can lead to menacing or unlawful use of a weapon charges. Exercising caution and restraint is critical to avoid legal trouble.

Private Sales and Background Checks

Private-party firearm transfers must involve a federally licensed dealer to conduct a background check, with limited exceptions (such as certain transfers between immediate family members). Oregon keeps records of all gun sales from licensed dealers for five years.

Understanding CCW Requirements by State

Traveling firearm owners should note that CCW requirements by state vary significantly. Oregon does not recognize permits from other states, making an Oregon CHL mandatory for concealed carry within its borders. If you plan to visit other states, carefully research their reciprocity rules, as some will honor Oregon’s license, while others may impose additional restrictions or not recognize it at all.

Renewals and Moving

  • Renewals: An expired license remains valid for up to 45 days after expiration if you have applied for renewal and can show proof.
  • Moving to Oregon: You can apply for an Oregon CHL once you have established residency and meet the training and background criteria.
  • Moving Out of Oregon: Your Oregon CHL expires once you establish residency in another state.

Final Thoughts on Concealed Carry Laws Oregon

Staying informed about concealed carry laws Oregon is the best way to protect your rights and avoid legal missteps. By completing concealed carry training, following local rules about open carry, and understanding Oregon’s red flag law, you set yourself up as a responsible, law-abiding gun owner. This level of preparedness not only preserves your Second Amendment freedoms but also helps ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

For more information on CCW requirements by state, consult state-specific statutes and be sure to keep up with any legislative changes. maintains a downloadable guide that you can get here. When in doubt, reach out to a knowledgeable attorney or your local sheriff’s office to clarify how Oregon’s gun laws apply to your situation.

Concealed Carry Laws Oregon: Q&A Section

Carry Basics Questions

CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY?Yes. There is no statute in Oregon prohibiting the purchase or use of pepper spray. However, an individual can be charged with a crime for recklessly discharging these items against another person.
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE?Oregon follows a shall-issue policy for concealed handgun licenses (CHLs). Local county sheriffs process applications and generally must issue a license if all requirements are met.
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED?Yes, open carry is allowed without a license in Oregon. However, local governments can prohibit open carry of loaded handguns for individuals who do not have an Oregon CHL. Cities such as Portland, Beaverton, and Salem, as well as the entirety of Multnomah County, restrict open carry of loaded firearms without a license.
TASERS OR STUN GUNS?Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess without a license in Oregon.
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED?No. An Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL) only allows for the concealed carry of handguns. Other weapons are not covered under this license.
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS?Yes. It is illegal to possess Teflon-coated handgun ammunition or similar armor-piercing rounds if the intent is to use them in the commission of a felony.
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS?No. Oregon does not impose magazine capacity restrictions for handguns.
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY?You must be at least 21 years old to obtain an Oregon Concealed Handgun License.
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY?No. Oregon is not a constitutional carry state and requires a valid CHL to carry concealed.

Carry Location Questions

CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL?Yes, if you have an Oregon CHL. There is no statute prohibiting concealed carry in bars/restaurants unless the establishment itself is posted “No Firearms Allowed.”
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS (WMAS)?Yes. With a valid Oregon CHL, you can carry a concealed firearm in these areas. Always confirm specific rules for the park or WMA you plan to visit.
CARRY IN VEHICLE?Yes, with an Oregon CHL. Without a license, a loaded handgun cannot be both concealed and readily accessible in the passenger compartment. Local governments may also impose specific regulations on the public possession of loaded firearms in vehicles.
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL?Oregon statutes do not directly address firearms on hotel property. Each hotel can set its own policy, so it is best to check with the individual property to confirm its rules.
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS?Yes, with a valid Oregon CHL. There is no statutory prohibition against carrying concealed at roadside rest areas.
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT?Oregon law does not specifically address storing firearms in private vehicles on employee parking lots. Employers may set their own policies regarding firearms on their property.

Key State Laws

PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY?No. The public does not have access to Oregon’s concealed carry registry. However, law enforcement can view the information.
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING?No. Oregon law does not require you to inform a police officer that you have a concealed handgun license or that you are carrying, unless asked directly.
RED FLAG LAW?Yes. Oregon has a red flag law allowing law enforcement officers or family members to petition a court to restrict an individual’s access to firearms if they are deemed a danger to themselves or others.
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED?No. In Oregon, “No Weapons Allowed” signs are not enforced by law. However, if you refuse to leave a posted private property when asked, you can be subject to trespassing charges.
TRIBAL LANDCarrying on tribal land in Oregon is generally prohibited unless you have written permission from the tribal authority. Federally recognized reservations have their own regulations.
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE?Oregon statutes do not explicitly address carrying while under the influence. However, it is strongly advised not to carry while impaired, as this can severely compromise judgement and may lead to legal repercussions.
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING?Yes. Oregon sheriffs may issue a CHL to a resident of a contiguous state if the person has a compelling business or other legitimate need to carry concealed in Oregon.
BRANDISHING?Oregon law does not specifically define “brandishing.” However, menacing or unlawful use of a weapon (pointing a firearm at another person without legal justification) can lead to criminal charges.
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT?Yes. When an officer runs your Oregon driver’s license, they will be notified if you hold an Oregon concealed handgun license.
PREEMPTION?Yes. State law largely preempts local firearm regulations, though cities can regulate discharge of firearms and can prohibit loaded firearms in public places for non-CHL holders.

Handgun Purchase & Possession Questions

WAITING PERIOD?No. Oregon does not impose a waiting period for handgun purchases.
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK?No. An Oregon CHL does not exempt you from the background check requirement when purchasing a firearm.
PURCHASE PERMITS?No. Oregon does not require a permit to purchase a handgun.
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES?Yes. All private sales must go through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL), who will conduct a background check. Certain exemptions exist for family transfers and inheritances as detailed by state law.
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT?18 years old. Individuals must be at least 18 to legally possess and transport a handgun in Oregon.
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT?Yes. You may carry a handgun within your home, business, recreational vehicle, or vessel without a CHL, as long as you are otherwise permitted to possess firearms.
HANDGUN REGISTRATION?No. There is no formal handgun registration in Oregon. Dealers must keep a record of used firearms they purchase or accept in trade, and they must retain thumbprint forms for 5 years.

Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States

WHAT ARE ALL STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES THE STATE OF OREGON HONOR?Oregon does not honor any concealed carry permits from other states.
WHAT ARE ALL OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF OREGON?The following states currently recognize Oregon permits: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Virginia. However, permit holders must follow each state’s laws while carrying there.
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF OREGON?Some states have partial or restricted reciprocity with Oregon, including Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Many of these are permitless carry states with varying age limits or other conditions.
WHAT ARE ALL THE PERMITLESS CARRY STATES?Alabama (19+), Alaska (21+), Arizona (21+), Arkansas (18+), Florida (21+), Georgia (21+), Idaho (18+), Indiana (18+), Iowa (21+), Kansas (21+), Kentucky (21+), Louisiana (21+), Maine (21+), Mississippi (21+), Missouri (19+ or 18+ for military), Montana (18+), Nebraska (21+), New Hampshire (18+), North Dakota (18+), Ohio (21+), Oklahoma (21+), South Carolina (18+), South Dakota (18+), Tennessee (18+), Texas (21+), Utah (21+), Vermont (18+), West Virginia (21+), and Wyoming (21+).

Concealed Carry License Information Questions

WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN?You should report the loss of your Oregon CHL to local law enforcement in the city or county where you lost it. You may then contact your county sheriff’s office for a replacement (a $15 fee may apply).
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR?Oregon CHLs are valid for 4 years from the date of issuance.
LINK TO APPLICATIONEach county has its own application form. Many sheriff’s offices provide the application on their website or have paper forms available in person. An example application can be found at official county websites.
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED?Yes. Sheriffs may issue CHLs to residents of contiguous states who can demonstrate a compelling business interest or other legitimate need to carry concealed in Oregon.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF OREGON AND WANT OR HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?If you move into Oregon, you may apply for a resident CHL once you provide proof of residency. If you move out of Oregon, your Oregon CHL expires when you establish residency in another state.
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?The initial license fee is $100 plus $15 for the background check. Renewals generally cost $75. Individual counties may have slight fee variations.
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME?Sheriffs have up to 45 days to process your application once it is complete.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES?Contact your county sheriff’s office. A $15 fee typically applies for updating your name or address information on your CHL.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?Applicants must be at least 21, demonstrate handgun competency, be a U.S. citizen (or a legal resident alien who can document continuous residency), have no recent criminal convictions or mental health disqualifications, and meet federal law requirements.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS?1. Complete a firearms training course (if required).
2. Fill out an application from the county sheriff’s office.
3. Provide proof of training, 2 forms of ID, and a self-addressed envelope.
4. Get fingerprinted at your sheriff’s office.
5. Await approval by mail within the 45-day timeframe.
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE?• Complete a recognized course offered by law enforcement, community colleges, private organizations, or firearms training schools, taught by NRA or LEO-certified instructors.
• A hunter’s safety course that includes handgun training can qualify.
• Certain military documents (like a DD214 indicating handgun training) may also be accepted.
• Proof of organized shooting competition or equivalent experience may suffice.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS?1. You may renew up to 45 days before expiration, and your expired license remains valid for 45 days if you have proof you applied on time.
2. Complete the renewal form from your county sheriff’s office.
3. Present your current/expired license and Oregon driver’s license.
4. Pay the renewal fee (usually $75).
5. If approved, you may receive your new CHL immediately or by mail.
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?With an Oregon CHL, you can carry in restaurants serving alcohol (unless posted), state/national parks, national forests, WMAs, roadside rest areas, and most public buildings, except where specifically prohibited by statute or signage.
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?• Certain public building areas (e.g., courthouses, correctional facilities, secure airport zones).
• Schools, colleges, and universities that have opted out and posted notices.
• The Capitol building and certain airport terminals under SB 554.
• Indian reservations/property without tribal permission.
• Any place prohibited by federal law (e.g., federal buildings, post offices).
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW?Yes. Interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife or obstructing someone lawfully hunting is a criminal offense in Oregon.
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING?Yes. There are no Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife rules restricting possession of a firearm while hunting. However, you must follow seasons and methods for lawful harvest if you use the firearm for taking game.
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING?Yes. You may carry a firearm during archery season for personal protection. You must still use lawful archery equipment to harvest animals under an archery tag.
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS?Open carry of any knife is allowed. Concealed carry of dirks, daggers, butterfly knives, switchblades, or any similar knives is prohibited. Public buildings generally prohibit knives with blades over 4 inches.
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED?Yes. Oregon law permits carrying a concealed firearm while wearing a mask; there are no statutes forbidding it.
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S (LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS) OR RETIRED LEO’S?Under ORS 166.260, active or honorably retired peace officers may have an affirmative defense to carrying concealed. LEOSA (HR 218) also allows qualified LEOs and retired LEOs to carry nationwide, subject to federal conditions and Oregon’s training requirements for retired officers.

Legal Note

This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.

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