Mastering Concealed Carry Laws Rhode Island: A Path to Responsible Carry

Rhode Island: The "May-Shall-Issue" System

Few legal landscapes are as unique as the concealed carry laws Rhode Island enforces. Although Rhode Island might seem small, its firearm regulations are anything but. With a mix of shall-issue statutes, may-issue discretion from the Attorney General, and local licensing protocols, understanding these rules is essential for every responsible gun owner.

Below, we’ll cover the ins and outs of applying for a License to Carry Concealed Weapons (LCCW), discuss restricted areas, and explain how to navigate Rhode Island’s distinctive system. We’ll also touch on concealed carry training and how Rhode Island’s laws stack up alongside CCW requirements by state throughout the country.

concealed carry laws Rhode Island - Map of state - Art deco style

Table of Contents

Rhode Island’s Hybrid Licensing: Shall-Issue Meets May-Issue

Rhode Island stands out by combining two different approaches:

  • Local Authorities (Shall-Issue)
    Local police chiefs issue LCCWs if an applicant is a “suitable person” who demonstrates either a “good reason to fear an injury” or a “proper reason” to carry. Once these conditions are met, the local authority shall grant the license.

  • Attorney General (May-Issue)
    The Attorney General can issue a concealed carry license to individuals 21 or older who show a “proper showing of need.” This option can also extend to non-U.S. citizens. The AG’s office, however, retains more discretion in deciding whether to grant a permit.

In either case, the applicant must pass a state-approved shooting qualification. This live-fire test requires scoring at least 195 out of 300 with 30 rounds fired from 25 yards using an appropriate target (an army “L” target). Although the statutory language varies depending on which route you choose, the end result is the same: a Rhode Island LCCW.

Key Eligibility Requirements

Under concealed carry laws Rhode Island, you must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Submit a notarized application (with three notarized references)
  • Provide proof of firearms training or qualification
  • Show “good reason” or “proper reason” (depending on local or AG application)
  • Demonstrate you are a suitable person under state law
  • Not be barred from firearm ownership under state or federal statutes

Non-residents can apply locally if they hold a valid carry permit from their home state. The Attorney General may issue a license to non-residents even without a home-state permit, depending on need.

Firearm Possession & Purchase Regulations

Blue Card / Safety Certificate

To purchase a handgun in Rhode Island, you must hold either:

  • A Rhode Island License to Carry Concealed Weapons (LCCW), or
  • A “Blue Card” from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM).

The Blue Card is earned by passing a free, 50-question safety exam. Once you attain a passing score (80% or higher), RIDEM will mail your card. Active-duty military can skip the exam by providing their Military ID.

Waiting Period

Rhode Island mandates a 7-day waiting period after you file your Purchase of a Pistol or Revolver Application Form with local law enforcement. If approved, you can collect the firearm once the waiting period has passed.

Magazine Capacity & Ammunition Limits

  • Magazine Limit: As of July 1, 2022, Rhode Island prohibits the possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Owners had six months to modify, surrender, or transfer any high-capacity magazines.
  • Armor-Piercing Ammo: It is illegal to possess “armor-piercing” ammunition. 

Open Carry and Other Unique Provisions

While concealed carry laws Rhode Island might seem complex, the rules for open carry are even narrower:

  • Open Carry: Technically allowed if your LCCW is issued by the Attorney General, not by local authorities. A local-issued license only covers concealed carry.
  • Prohibited Items: Devices like stun guns or Tasers are currently illegal to possess in Rhode Island.
  • Carry in Vehicles: You must hold a valid LCCW or recognized carry permit from another U.S. state or territory if you are merely passing through without intent to remain. Otherwise, firearms must be unloaded and locked in a separate container, inaccessible from the passenger compartment.

Castle Doctrine and Self-Defense

Rhode Island is a Castle Doctrine state, meaning you have no duty to retreat from your own home or dwelling if confronted by an intruder. The law presumes you acted reasonably to protect yourself or someone else in the face of a felony threat, such as breaking and entering or assault. However self defense law is much more complex than this simple explanation. We curate a list of legal educational resources that can help you be better informed about self-defense and firearms law that you can find here.  

concealed carry laws Rhode Island - corrupt railroad baron

Restricted Locations and “No Weapons Allowed”

  • State/National Parks & WMAs: No concealed carry is allowed here, even with a Rhode Island LCCW.
  • Schools: Firearms are off-limits on K-12 property, including any school-sponsored activities, except under very limited circumstances.
  • Bars/Restaurants Serving Alcohol: You may carry concealed with a valid Rhode Island LCCW, provided you are not under the influence.
  • Private Property: Rhode Island law does not explicitly enforce “No Weapons Allowed” signs, but refusing to leave posted premises can lead to trespassing charges.

Red Flag Law

The state has a red flag law, allowing law enforcement to seek an order preventing someone from possessing or purchasing firearms if deemed a danger to themselves or others. The respondent must surrender any guns and is barred from buying new ones while the order is in effect.

Comparing CCW Requirements by State

Rhode Island’s licensing approach can differ significantly from other jurisdictions. States with “constitutional carry” typically require no license for concealed or open carry, while others use strict shall-issue or may-issue frameworks. If you plan to travel with your firearm, study the CCW requirements by state to stay within the law. Rhode Island does not recognize out-of-state permits, so your LCCW from another state has limited value unless you’re merely passing through.

Importance of Concealed Carry Training

While Rhode Island does require a live-fire qualification, ongoing concealed carry training remains a wise choice. Quality instruction can strengthen your handgun proficiency, teach vital safety protocols, and prepare you for real-life self-defense scenarios. Because firearms laws can evolve, seeking updated training each renewal cycle helps ensure you stay informed.

Application & Renewal Process

  • Validity: A Rhode Island LCCW is valid for 4 years.
  • Processing: Allow up to 90 days for authorities to review your application.
  • Fees: Expect to pay $40 for both new and renewal licenses.
  • Renewals: Follow similar steps as an initial application, including providing updated references, new firing qualifications within one year of your request, and fresh passport-style photos.

Conclusion - Policing the Brass

From local shall-issue to attorney general may-issue, the concealed carry laws Rhode Island enforces create a unique dual-path system for those seeking to carry. The right training, thorough preparation, and a clear “proper reason” can guide you to a successful application. Always remember that your LCCW comes with both legal responsibilities and situational awareness obligations—making concealed carry training indispensable. Whether you’re a Rhode Island resident or just passing through, staying up-to-date with CCW requirements by state ensures a safe, legal journey for responsible firearm owners.

For a free downloadable guide that details Rhode Island’s firearms laws, visit for their downloadable PDF here

Concealed Carry Laws Rhode Island: Q&A Section

Carry Basics Questions

CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY?Yes. Rhode Island allows any person 18 years or older to buy and use non-lethal noxious sprays for self-defense, unless otherwise prohibited by law. Misusing such sprays for any other purpose can result in a fine.
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE?Rhode Island is a hybrid shall-issue/may-issue state. Local authorities “shall-issue” to applicants who meet statutory requirements, while the Attorney General “may-issue” at his or her discretion if an applicant shows proper need.
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED?Yes, but only with a Rhode Island LCCW issued by the Attorney General. If your license is from local authorities, you may only carry concealed. An individual may open carry on their own property without a license.
TASERS OR STUN GUNS?No. Stun devices or electric weapons are illegal in Rhode Island under current law.
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED?No. A Rhode Island concealed carry license only allows for the concealed carry of handguns, not other types of weapons.
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS?Yes. Armor-piercing ammunition is prohibited.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-20.1]
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS?Yes. As of July 1, 2022, magazines holding more than 10 rounds are prohibited. Current owners had six months to modify, surrender, or transfer them. Possession after that deadline can carry penalties of up to five years in prison or a $5,000 fine.
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY?The minimum age to obtain a Rhode Island concealed carry license (LCCW) is 21 years old.
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY?No. Rhode Island does not permit constitutional (permitless) carry.

Carry Location Questions

CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL?Yes, but only with a valid Rhode Island LCCW (if not posted and if you are not under the influence).
[R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 11-47-52]
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS (WMAS)?No. Concealed carry is prohibited in these areas, even with a Rhode Island LCCW.
CARRY IN VEHICLE?Yes, if you have a valid permit from Rhode Island or a recognized U.S. state/territory and you are merely transporting through Rhode Island without intent to remain. Otherwise, firearms must be unloaded, stored inaccessibly from the passenger compartment, and locked if no trunk is available.
[R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 11-47-8]
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL?Hotel policies vary. An innkeeper can remove a guest who brings items dangerous to others (e.g., firearms). Always check the hotel’s policy before carrying.
[R.I. Gen Laws Ann. § 5-14-4(a)(4)]
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS?Yes, if you have a Rhode Island LCCW. There is no statute banning carry at rest areas, provided you hold the proper license.
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT?No specific statutes in Rhode Island address storing firearms in vehicles on employee parking lots. Employers may set their own policies.

Key State Laws

PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY?No. Rhode Island does not allow public access to concealed carry registry information.
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING?No. You are not required to proactively inform law enforcement unless they specifically ask.
[R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 11-47-27]
RED FLAG LAW?Yes. A law enforcement agency can petition a court for an order preventing a respondent from possessing or purchasing firearms if deemed a danger.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 8-8.3-3]
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED?No. Rhode Island statutes do not address the legal enforceability of such signs. However, refusing to leave if asked could lead to trespassing charges.
TRIBAL LANDFirearms rules vary on tribal lands. Rhode Island law does not govern tribal property. You must follow tribal regulations or contact the tribal authority for guidance.
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE?You cannot carry while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-52]
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING?Yes. Non-residents with a valid home-state permit may apply to local authorities. The Attorney General may also issue licenses to non-residents without a home-state permit.
BRANDISHING?Rhode Island law does not use “brandishing” but disorderly conduct covers threatening or tumultuous behavior, which can include improper firearm display.
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT?No. Rhode Island does not link your carry license to your driver’s license. Officers must run your name and date of birth separately to confirm LCCW status.
PREEMPTION?Yes. The state largely preempts local gun regulations, though municipalities may enact limited ordinances for public safety.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-58]

Handgun Purchase & Possession Questions

WAITING PERIOD?Yes. Rhode Island imposes a 7-day waiting period after filing the Purchase of a Pistol or Revolver Application Form.
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK?No. Having an LCCW does not exempt you from undergoing a background check when buying a firearm.
PURCHASE PERMITS?You must be at least 21. You need either a Rhode Island LCCW or a DEM-issued Blue Card (by passing the 2-hour safety course) before purchasing a handgun.
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES?Yes. All sales (dealer or private) require a background check via state or local police. LCCW holders, certain law enforcement, and corrections officers may have exceptions.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-35.1]
[R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 11-47-33]
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT?Yes. Legally entitled individuals may carry a firearm at home, in their business, or on land they own without an LCCW.
HANDGUN REGISTRATION?No. Rhode Island does not require firearms registration, although background checks are mandatory.

Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States

WHAT ARE ALL STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND HONOR?Rhode Island does not honor any out-of-state permits. No reciprocity agreements exist.
WHAT ARE ALL OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND?The following states honor Rhode Island permits (subject to their respective laws):
Alabama (PC-19), Arkansas (PC-18), Idaho (PC-18), Indiana (PC-18), Minnesota, Montana (PC-18), New Hampshire (PC-18), North Carolina, North Dakota (PC-18), South Dakota (PC-18), Vermont (PC-18), Virginia, Wisconsin.
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND?Some states have partial or more restrictive reciprocity, including Alaska (PC-21), Arizona (PC-21), Florida (PC-21), Georgia (PC-21), Iowa (PC-21), Kansas (PC-21), Kentucky (PC-21), Louisiana (PC-21), Maine (PC-21), Michigan (21+ resident only), Mississippi (PC-21), Missouri (PC-19 or 18 for military), Nebraska (PC-21), Ohio (PC-21), Oklahoma (PC-21), South Carolina (PC-18), Tennessee (PC-18), Texas (PC-21), Utah (PC-21), West Virginia (PC-21), and Wyoming (PC-21). Always verify specific rules before traveling.
WHAT ARE ALL THE PERMITLESS CARRY STATES?Permissive “PC” states include: Alabama (19+), Alaska (21+), Arizona (21+), Arkansas (18+), Florida (21+), Georgia (21+), Idaho (18+), Indiana (18+), Iowa (21+), Kansas (21+), Kentucky (21+), Louisiana (21+), Maine (21+), Mississippi (21+), Missouri (19+ or 18 if military), Montana (18+), Nebraska (21+), New Hampshire (18+), North Dakota (18+), Ohio (21+), Oklahoma (21+), South Carolina (18+), South Dakota (18+), Tennessee (18+), Texas (21+), Utah (21+), Vermont (18+), West Virginia (21+), Wyoming (21+).

Concealed Carry License Information Questions

WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN?Contact the local issuing authority or the Rhode Island Attorney General’s office for a replacement procedure. Additional documentation or fees may apply.
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR?Rhode Island LCCWs are valid for 4 years.
LINK TO APPLICATIONUse the official application form provided by either your local authority or the Attorney General’s office. A link is often available on their websites.
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED?Yes. Local authorities can issue to non-residents with a valid home-state CCW. The Attorney General can issue to non-residents even without a home-state permit.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF LOUISIANA AND WANT OR HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?This question concerns Rhode Island. If you move into Rhode Island, you may apply for a resident LCCW once you meet local residency requirements. If you leave Rhode Island, your license may remain valid until its expiration, but it does not transfer to another state. Contact your issuing authority for details.
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?Rhode Island charges a $40 fee for both initial permits and renewals.
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME?Expect up to 90 days for processing, as Rhode Island agencies may rely on external resources for background checks.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES?Contact the same issuing authority (local chief or Attorney General). You may need to provide updated ID and documentation if your name or address changes.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?Applicants must be 21, show proof of firearms qualification, provide three notarized references, demonstrate “good reason” or “proper reason” to carry, be a suitable person by law, and not be prohibited under any federal or state statutes.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS?1) Complete a firearms qualification within 1 year.
2) Fill out and notarize the official application.
3) Provide three typed, notarized reference letters.
4) Obtain two passport photos.
5) Submit all documents, ID copies, fingerprint cards, and fees to local police or AG’s office.
6) Wait for approval by mail. If approved, pick up your license in person.
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE?Applicants must qualify with a live-fire exam, scoring at least 195 out of 300 using 30 rounds at 25 yards on an army “L” target. The instructor must be certified by the NRA, US Revolver Assoc., or a law enforcement agency.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS?1) Plan for up to 90 days processing.
2) Re-qualify with a firearms test if required.
3) Submit a notarized renewal form, plus references, ID copies, passport photos, and proof of qualification.
4) Pay the $40 fee.
5) Wait for approval or denial by mail and pick up your renewed license in person if approved.
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?With an LCCW, you may carry in bars/restaurants serving alcohol (unless posted), roadside rest areas, and most locations unless specifically prohibited by law or property signage.
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?• Any public/private school property;
• State/national parks, forests, or WMAs;
• Secured airport areas;
• While under the influence of drugs/alcohol;
• Federal buildings or where otherwise prohibited by law.
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW?Yes. It is illegal to obstruct or interfere with the lawful taking of wildlife by another person at the location of the activity.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-13-16]
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING?No. If hunting deer in Rhode Island, you cannot possess a pistol or other firearm simultaneously.
[R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-15-5]
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING?No. Only one weapon (either a bow or a firearm) is permitted when deer hunting. Concealed carry is prohibited.
[2019 RI Hunting & Trapping Regs]
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS?Owning any knife is legal if not intended for harm, but it is illegal to carry a concealed dirk, dagger, or any stabbing knife with a blade over 3 inches. Schools are weapon-free zones.
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED?Yes. There is no Rhode Island statute prohibiting wearing a COVID-19 mask while lawfully carrying concealed.
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S (LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS) OR RETIRED LEO’S?Qualified active/retired LEOs may carry under LEOSA (HR 218). Retired LEOs with 20+ years of service in good standing may be issued a license by the Attorney General, subject to approval.

Legal Note

This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.

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