Utah and Concealed Carry Laws
Utah has long been recognized for its strong Second Amendment stance, offering multiple ways for citizens and non-residents to legally carry.
Whether you’re interested in concealed carry training, exploring CCW requirements by state, or just need the specifics on how concealed carry laws Utah work, this guide breaks down every important detail. From the stand-your-ground policy to permit reciprocity, read on to discover how to carry safely and confidently in the Beehive State.

Table of Contents
An Overview of Concealed Carry Laws Utah
Utah is a shall-issue state that has recently joined the ranks of permitless carry jurisdictions. As of May 5, 2021, any law-abiding individual 21 or older can carry both openly and concealed without a permit. At the same time, the Utah Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP) remains an attractive option for those seeking reciprocity with other states and for younger carriers ages 18-20 (through a provisional permit).
Key Takeaways
- Permitless Carry: Legal for those 21+ who can lawfully possess a firearm.
- Utah CFP: Still beneficial if you want broader reciprocity.
- Provisional Permit: Available for those 18-20 years old, though with some additional limits.
Castle Doctrine & Stand Your Ground
Like many other firearm-friendly states, concealed carry laws Utah go hand in hand with a strong self-defense framework. Utah’s Castle Doctrine (referred to as “defense of habitation”) states that you may use force, including deadly force, against an unlawful intruder in your occupied dwelling if you believe they intend violence or a forcible felony. There is also a “stand your ground” policy, meaning there’s no duty to retreat from places you lawfully occupy when you face an imminent threat of serious harm.
Defense of Property & Personal Safety
- Force in Defense of Property: Non-deadly force can be used to prevent interference with property you legally own or protect.
- Deadly Force: Justifiable if you reasonably believe you face imminent danger of severe harm or a forcible felony.
Self-defense law can be complicated, so we have complied additional resources to help you learn more about firearms and self-defense laws here.
Permit or No Permit? Understanding Your Options
One big shift in concealed carry laws Utah is the introduction of permitless carry. Still, there are scenarios where obtaining a CFP is extremely useful.
Permitless Carry Basics
- Must be 21 or older.
- Must be allowed to own/possess firearms under state and federal law.
- Legal for both open and concealed carry.
Why Get a Utah Concealed Firearm Permit?
While you don’t need a permit to carry within Utah (if 21+), a permit offers:
- Reciprocity: Delaware, Nevada, and North Carolina all honor Utah CFP’s, but are not Constitutional Carry states.
- Exempt from NICS: Utah CFP’s exempt valid holders from a NICS check fee at every firearms purchase.
- Provisional Permit: Available for 18- to 20-year-olds.
- No Confusion: Some institutions or property owners may prefer to see a recognized permit.
Concealed Carry Training Requirements
Even if you opt for permitless carry, gaining concealed carry training helps sharpen your skills and keep you legal. If you pursue a Utah CFP, you must complete a BCI-certified firearms-familiarity course—covering safe loading and storage, self-defense laws, and practical shooting. Courses must be taken in person, not online.
Key Training Elements
- Safe handling and operation.
- Applicable Utah and federal laws.
- Basic conflict de-escalation.
- Proper storage to prevent unauthorized use.
Where You Can & Can’t Carry
Although concealed carry laws Utah are quite accommodating, some areas remain off-limits:
Permissible Locations
- Vehicles: Permitless carry is allowed if you’re 21+ and not prohibited from firearm ownership.
- Roadside Rest Areas: Firearms are allowed.
- Restaurants Serving Alcohol: Legal unless posted, but you must not be under the influence.
- State/National Parks & WMAs: Generally permitted.
- Private Residences: No permit needed on your own property or a business you control.
Off-Limits Locations
- Courthouses, Correctional Facilities, Mental Health Facilities: Strictly prohibited.
- Secure Areas of Airports: Banned beyond TSA checkpoints.
- Places of Worship if Posted: Churches can opt out of firearms via signage.
- Under Influence: It’s a crime to carry while intoxicated (blood alcohol content 0.05 or above).
Buying, Selling & Transporting Firearms
Private firearm sales don’t require a permit or background check, though a 2019 Salt Lake County policy requires background checks for sales in county event facilities. Notably, new legislation (SB 115, effective July 1, 2022) further cements state preemption, potentially overturning local rules. No firearm registration is mandated in Utah, and no waiting period applies to handgun purchases.

Renewal & Maintaining Your Permit
If you choose a Utah CFP, it remains valid for five years. Renewal is straightforward:
- Application: Process begins about one month before expiration.
- Fees: $20 for residents, $25 for non-residents (active duty military fees are waived).
- No Retesting: Currently, no additional “live-fire” test is required to renew.
Policing the Brass - Conclusion
From robust self-defense laws to easy, permitless carry, the Beehive State sets a high standard for firearm freedom. Whether you choose to carry under permitless provisions or secure a Utah CFP for added reciprocity, staying informed is key. By following concealed carry laws Utah to the letter, seeking concealed carry training for competence, and understanding CCW requirements by state, you can confidently—and lawfully—protect yourself and your loved ones wherever your journey leads. If you are in or traveling to Utah and want a handy, downloadable guide to the state’s concealed carry laws, check out HandgunLaw.us for their guide.
Concealed Carry Laws Utah: Q&A Section
Carry Basics Questions
CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY? | Yes. There is no statute in Utah prohibiting the purchase or use of pepper spray. |
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE? | Utah is a shall-issue state. Concealed carry permits are issued by the Bureau of Criminal Identification. |
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED? | Yes. Permitless open carry has been legal since May 5, 2021 for individuals 21 years or older who may lawfully possess a firearm. [Utah Crim. Code §§ 76-10-505(1) and 76-10-523(5)] |
TASERS OR STUN GUNS? | Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess in Utah without a permit. |
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED? | The Utah Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP) is designed for carrying handguns; while other weapons may be legal to carry under separate laws, the CFP specifically covers firearms. |
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS? | No. Utah does not have ammunition restrictions. |
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS? | No. There are no magazine capacity restrictions for handguns in Utah. |
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY? | You must be at least 18 years old to obtain a provisional permit in Utah; standard permits require you to be 21 years old. |
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY? | Yes. Utah allows permitless (constitutional) carry for any individual 21 years or older who may lawfully possess a firearm. |
Carry Location Questions
CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL? | Yes. You may carry a concealed firearm in restaurants that serve alcohol unless a posted sign prohibits it and you are not under the influence. |
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WMAS? | Yes. Permitless carry is allowed in state and national parks, state/national forests, and Wildlife Management Areas in Utah (excluding state or federal buildings). |
CARRY IN VEHICLE? | Yes. Any individual 18 years or older who may lawfully possess a firearm can carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle, provided the vehicle is in your lawful possession or you have consent from the lawful possessor. |
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL? | An innkeeper may refuse accommodations if they reasonably believe you are bringing in property that may be dangerous (including firearms). Always check the hotel’s concealed carry policy. [Utah Code § 29-2-103(1)(a)(v)] |
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS? | Yes. You may carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Utah without a permit. |
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT? | Yes. Utah law generally prevents employers from restricting your ability to transport or store a firearm in a locked vehicle in designated parking areas, subject to certain exceptions. [Utah Crim. Code § 34-45-103] |
Key State Laws
PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY? | No. Utah does not permit public access to its concealed carry registry through public records law. |
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING? | No. There is no duty in Utah to inform a law enforcement officer that you are carrying a concealed firearm. |
RED FLAG LAW? | No. Utah does not have a red flag law. |
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED? | Yes/No. “No Weapons” signs have no force of law unless posted in specific off-limits areas (such as houses of worship or private residences that have given notice). Violation is an infraction. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-530] |
TRIBAL LAND | No. For example, the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation prohibits concealed carry on its lands. |
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE? | Carrying is prohibited while consuming or under the influence (BAC ≥ .05 or as defined for controlled substances) outside your residence or without proper consent. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-528] |
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING? | Yes. Utah issues concealed carry permits to non-residents from states that recognize Utah permits, provided they have a valid permit from their home state. |
BRANDISHING? | No specific definition exists in Utah law; however, drawing or exhibiting a dangerous weapon in an angry, threatening manner is illegal. [Utah Crim. Code §§ 76-10-506; 76-9-102] |
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT? | Yes. Your Utah driver’s license is linked to your concealed carry permit, alerting law enforcement when run. |
PREEMPTION? | Yes. Utah state law preempts local regulations regarding handgun possession, though local municipalities may regulate firearm discharge. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-500(2)] |
PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY? | No. The concealed carry registry is not available to the public in Utah. |
Handgun Purchase & Possession Questions
WAITING PERIOD? | No. There is no waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Utah. |
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK? | Yes. A valid Utah concealed carry permit exempts you from a background check when purchasing a firearm. |
PURCHASE PERMITS? | No. Utah does not require a permit to purchase a handgun. |
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES? | No. Private handgun sales are not subject to background checks, except in select Salt Lake County event facilities (a policy now subject to override by SB 115 effective July 1, 2022). |
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT? | You must be at least 18 years old to possess and transport a handgun in Utah. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-509.9] |
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT? | Yes. You may carry a handgun in or on your residence or any property you control without a permit. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-504(1)] |
HANDGUN REGISTRATION? | No. Handguns do not need to be registered in Utah. |
Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States
WHAT ARE ALL STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES THE STATE OF UTAH HONOR? | Utah honors permits issued by any state that provides concealed carry licenses for individuals 21 years or older (or provisional permits for those 18–20). This includes permits from:
WHAT ARE ALL OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RECIPROCITY WITH THE STATE OF UTAH? | Utah honors non-resident permits from states that recognize Utah permits. For example:
WHAT ARE ALL THE PERMITLESS CARRY STATES? | The following states allow permitless (constitutional) carry:
Concealed Carry License Information Questions
WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN? | You must complete an application for replacement, have it notarized, and provide a copy of your driver’s license. A $10 fee is charged. |
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR? | Utah concealed carry permits are valid for 5 years. |
LINK TO APPLICATION | An application link is available on the Bureau of Criminal Identification website. |
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED? | Yes. Non-residents can apply using the same process as residents and must complete a BCI-certified firearms-familiarity course. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME? | Approximately 60 days from submission of your application, fingerprints, and required materials. |
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES? | You must complete an application for replacement, have it notarized, and submit a copy of your driver’s license along with a $10 fee. |
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE? | Training must be attended in person and cover:
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW? | Yes. Interfering with a legally hunting individual is a class B misdemeanor. [Utah Crim. Code § 23-20-29] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING? | Yes. A valid concealed carry permit allows you to carry while shotgun/rifle hunting. [Utah Crim. Code § 76-10-504(5)] |
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING? | Yes. If you have a valid permit and an archery permit, you may carry a concealed weapon while bow hunting, provided you do not use it to hunt wildlife. [Utah Admin Rule R657-5-11] |
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS? | Anyone not convicted of a crime, adjudicated delinquent, or mentally ill may own and carry any knife in Utah, except dangerous weapons are prohibited on school grounds and at educational institutions. [Utah Code Ann. §§ 76-10-501(6), 76-10-503, 76-10-505.5] |
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED? | Yes. There is no statute in Utah that prohibits wearing a COVID-19 mask while carrying concealed. |
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEO’S OR RETIRED LEO’S? | Yes. LEOs and RLEOs may carry under LEOSA. RLEOs must meet annual qualification requirements administered by the Utah Highway Patrol and provide proper documentation of retirement in good standing. |
Legal Note
This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.