A Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry Laws West Virginia

The Cool Virgina

If you’re looking to protect yourself and your loved ones, understanding concealed carry laws West Virginia is a must. West Virginia offers a unique mix of permitless and regulated carry options, making it one of the most accessible states for lawful gun ownership. 

In this guide, we break down the basics, explain who qualifies, and discuss how West Virginia compares to CCW requirements by state across the nation. Plus, we’ll share why investing in quality concealed carry training is key to being a safe, responsible gun owner.

concealed carry laws West Virginia - map of the state

Table of Contents

An Overview of West Virginia Gun Laws

West Virginia is a permitless carry state, which means you can openly carry a firearm without a license if you’re at least 18 years old and legally entitled to own one. That said, there are still rules to follow. For example, while open carry is legal, certain areas—like schools and courthouses—remain off-limits. When it comes to concealed carry, the state has a clear system in place:

  • Permitless Concealed Carry:
    Any U.S. citizen or legal resident who is 21 or older can carry concealed without a permit. For those between 18 and 20, a Provisional Concealed Handgun License (CHL) is required.

  • Shall-Issue System:
    For those who do want to obtain a concealed carry license, West Virginia is a shall-issue state. Licenses are issued at the county level by the sheriff’s office. This means that if you meet the requirements, the sheriff must issue your permit.

Who Can Carry and What You Need to Know

Eligibility and Licensing

To get a concealed carry license in West Virginia, you must meet these basic criteria:

  • Age Requirements:
    Applicants must be at least 21 years old for a standard license. Individuals between 18 and 20 can apply for a Provisional License.

  • Training Requirement:
    Unlike some states, West Virginia requires that CHL applicants complete a firearms training course. This concealed carry training teaches you the basics of safely handling, firing, and storing your handgun.

  • Other Criteria:
    You must be a bona fide U.S. citizen or legal resident, have no felony convictions or recent misdemeanors involving domestic violence, and meet other state and federal requirements.

Permitless Carry and Open Carry

West Virginia’s laws are close to what it should be when it comes to carrying a firearm:

  • Permitless Carry:
    You can carry a concealed firearm without a permit if you are 21 or older and legally allowed to own one.

  • Open Carry:
    Any person who is 18 or older can openly carry a firearm. However, always be aware of the locations where carry is restricted, such as schools, courthouses, or other designated no-carry zones.

Self-Defense and Use of Force

West Virginia stands by strong self-defense laws. The state follows the Castle Doctrine and “stand your ground” principles, meaning:

  • No Duty to Retreat:
    Whether you are at home or in any other place you have a legal right to be, you do not have to retreat if you reasonably believe you or someone else is in imminent danger.

  • Use of Force:
    You can use reasonable and proportionate force against an intruder if you are not engaged in unlawful activity. This protection extends to both your home and public spaces where you legally have the right to be.

Since self-defense law can be filled with what ifs, we have collected a number of educational resources for you to check out on our gun owners’ resources page

Where Can You Carry?

Understanding concealed carry laws West Virginia also means knowing where you can legally carry your firearm:

concealed carry laws west Virginia - car driving down the road
  • In Your Vehicle:
    You can carry a concealed handgun in your vehicle without a permit if you are at least 21 years old (18 for members of the armed forces). Recent changes even allow you to carry loaded long guns in your car, as long as they’re not in plain view.

  • Public Places:
    You are free to carry in state and national parks, forests, and Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). Bars, restaurants, and roadside rest areas also allow concealed carry unless there’s a specific posting to prohibit it.

  • Private Property:
    While most private property owners can set their own rules, many businesses do not restrict concealed carry. It’s always a good idea to ask first.

Reciprocity and Comparing CCW Requirements

One of the advantages of West Virginia’s approach is its reciprocity:

  • Honoring Out-of-State Permits:
    West Virginia honors all out-of-state concealed carry permits. This means if you travel, you can rely on your existing permit to legally carry a firearm in West Virginia.

  • CCW Requirements by State:
    When compared to CCW requirements by state, West Virginia’s laws are relatively straightforward. The state’s permitless carry and simple licensing process set it apart from more restrictive states, while still requiring essential training for those who want a CHL.

The Importance of Concealed Carry Training

Even though permitless carry is available, concealed carry training is highly recommended for everyone:

  • Safety First:
    Training helps you understand the proper handling, storage, and use of your firearm. It also reduces the risk of accidental injury.

  • Legal Preparedness:
    Knowing your rights and responsibilities under concealed carry laws West Virginia can protect you from legal issues. Training courses cover how to act in high-pressure situations and explain the legal limits of self-defense.

  • Confidence Boost:
    Whether you’re carrying openly or concealed, proper training builds confidence. It ensures that you’re prepared for any scenario while remaining within the bounds of the law.

Policing the Brass - Conclusion

Understanding concealed carry laws West Virginia is key to exercising your rights safely and responsibly. West Virginia’s mix of permitless and licensed carry options, combined with its strong self-defense laws and emphasis on training, makes it a state that respects both individual freedom and public safety. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, knowing where you can carry and what the legal requirements are will help you stay protected. HandgunLaw.us provides a free downloadable guide to West Virginia’s firearms laws here for anyone who needs one. 

Remember, while the law gives you the right to carry, taking the time to complete thorough concealed carry training and staying informed about CCW requirements by state will empower you to make smart, safe decisions every time you carry. Stay safe, stay informed, and empower your freedom the right way in West Virginia.


Concealed Carry Laws Virginia: Q&A Section

Carry Basics Questions

CHEMICAL SPRAY/PEPPER SPRAY?Yes. There is no statute prohibiting the purchase or use of pepper spray in West Virginia.
GUN PERMIT LICENSURE?West Virginia is a shall-issue state. Concealed carry licenses are issued at the county level by the sheriff’s office.
OPEN CARRY PERMITTED?Yes. Open carry is legal for anyone who is at least 18 years old and legally entitled to carry a firearm.
TASERS OR STUN GUNS?Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase without a license.
WEAPONS OTHER THAN HANDGUNS ALLOWED?No. A concealed carry license in West Virginia does not permit carrying weapons other than handguns.
AMMUNITION RESTRICTIONS?No. West Virginia does not have ammunition restrictions.
MAGAZINE LIMITS FOR HANDGUNS?No. West Virginia does not have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns.
MINIMUM AGE FOR CONCEALED CARRY?An individual aged 18 or older may apply for a Provisional Concealed Handgun License, while a regular license requires the applicant to be at least 21 years old.
CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY?Yes. West Virginia is a permitless carry state, allowing concealed carry without a license for eligible individuals.

Carry Location Questions

CARRY IN RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL?Yes. It is legal to carry a concealed firearm in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol unless a posted sign prohibits it.
CARRY IN STATE/NATIONAL PARKS, STATE/NATIONAL FORESTS AND WMAS?Yes. You may carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forests, and Wildlife Management Areas without a license.
CARRY IN VEHICLE?Yes. You can carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle without a license if you are at least 21 years old (18 for members of the Armed Forces) and legally entitled to possess a firearm. Additionally, HB 4048 permits carrying loaded or uncased long guns in vehicles (effective May 24, 2022).
CARRY/POSSESS AT A HOTEL?West Virginia statutes do not specifically address firearms at hotels; check with the individual hotel regarding its concealed carry policy.
CARRY AT ROADSIDE REST AREAS?Yes. Concealed carry is allowed at roadside rest areas.
STORE IN A VEHICLE IN AN EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT?Yes. West Virginia law protects the right to store a legally owned firearm in a vehicle parked in an employee parking lot, provided it is out of view, locked inside or secured to the vehicle, and the person is lawfully present.

Key State Laws

PUBLIC ACCESS TO CONCEALED CARRY REGISTRY?Although the issuing sheriff must furnish certified copies of license information to the Superintendent of the West Virginia State Police, this registry is not available to the general public.
DUTY TO INFORM OFFICER YOU’RE CARRYING?No. There is no duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying a concealed firearm in West Virginia.
RED FLAG LAW?No. West Virginia does not have a red flag law.
“NO WEAPONS ALLOWED” SIGNS ENFORCED?No. West Virginia does not enforce “No Weapons Allowed” signs; violating such signs is not considered a criminal offense.
TRIBAL LAND?West Virginia does not have specific provisions regarding carrying firearms on tribal land.
CARRY WHILE USING ALCOHOL OR A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE?Not addressed in state statutes; however, it is advised not to carry while under the influence of any substance that may impair judgment or reaction time.
NON-RESIDENT PERMITTING?Yes. As of July 6, 2021, West Virginia issues concealed carry permits to non-residents.
BRANDISHING?Yes. West Virginia law defines brandishing as carrying, brandishing, or using a firearm or deadly weapon in a manner that causes or threatens a breach of the peace.
DRIVER’S LICENSE LINKED TO CARRY PERMIT?No. A West Virginia driver’s license is not linked to your concealed handgun license, so law enforcement will not be automatically notified of your permit status when your license is run.
PREEMPTION?Yes. West Virginia state law preempts local firearms regulations, although municipalities may regulate carry in specific areas such as municipal buildings, recreational facilities, and public parking, provided they adhere to state preemption rules.

Handgun Purchase & Possession Questions

WAITING PERIOD?No. West Virginia does not impose a waiting period after purchasing a handgun.
PERMIT EXEMPTS FROM BACKGROUND CHECK?Yes. Your current West Virginia concealed carry license exempts you from needing a background check when purchasing a firearm.
PURCHASE PERMITS?No. A permit is not required to purchase a handgun in West Virginia.
BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR PRIVATE GUN SALES?No. Private firearms transfers are not subject to a background check requirement, although federal and state purchaser restrictions still apply.
MINIMUM AGE TO POSSESS AND TRANSPORT?The minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in West Virginia is 18.
POSSESS A HANDGUN ON MY PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT A PERMIT?Yes. Permitless carry is allowed, so you may possess or carry a handgun in your home without a permit.
HANDGUN REGISTRATION?No. Handguns do not need to be registered in West Virginia.

Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States

WHAT STATE CONCEALED CARRY LICENSES DOES WEST VIRGINIA HONOR?West Virginia honors concealed carry permits from: Alabama (permitless carry, at least 21), Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21), Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21), Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 21), California (permitless carry, at least 21), Colorado (permitless carry, at least 21), Connecticut (permitless carry, at least 21), Delaware (permitless carry, at least 21), District of Columbia (permitless carry, at least 21), Florida (permitless carry, at least 21), Georgia (permitless carry, at least 21), Hawaii (permitless carry, at least 21), Idaho (permitless carry, at least 21), Illinois (permitless carry, at least 21), Indiana (permitless carry, at least 21), Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21), Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21), Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21), Louisiana (permitless carry, at least 21), Maine (permitless carry, at least 21), Maryland (permitless carry, at least 21), Massachusetts (permitless carry, at least 21), Michigan (permitless carry, at least 21), Minnesota (permitless carry, at least 21), Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 21), Missouri (permitless carry, at least 21), Montana (permitless carry, at least 21), Nebraska (permitless carry, at least 21), Nevada (permitless carry, at least 21), New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 21), New Jersey (permitless carry, at least 21), New Mexico (permitless carry, at least 21), New York (permitless carry, at least 21), New York City (permitless carry, at least 21), North Carolina (permitless carry, at least 21), North Dakota (permitless carry, at least 21), Ohio (permitless carry, at least 21), Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21), Oregon (permitless carry, at least 21), Pennsylvania (permitless carry, at least 21), Puerto Rico (permitless carry, at least 21), Rhode Island (permitless carry, at least 21), South Carolina (permitless carry, at least 21), South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 21), Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 21), Texas (permitless carry, at least 21), Utah (permitless carry, at least 21), Vermont (permitless carry, at least 21), Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21), Washington (permitless carry, at least 21), Wisconsin (permitless carry, at least 21), and Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21).
WHAT ARE ALL OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RECIPROCITY WITH WEST VIRGINIA?West Virginia’s permits are honored by: Alabama (permitless carry, at least 19), Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 18), Delaware, Idaho (permitless carry, at least 18), Indiana (permitless carry, at least 18), Montana (permitless carry, at least 18), Nevada, New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 18), North Carolina, North Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18), South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18), and Vermont (permitless carry, at least 18).
WHAT ARE ALL THE OTHER STATES THAT HAVE RESTRICTED RECIPROCITY WITH WEST VIRGINIA?The following states honor only West Virginia resident licenses: Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21), Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21), Colorado (resident permits only, at least 21), Florida (permitless carry, at least 21), Georgia (permitless carry, at least 21), Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21), Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21), Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21), Louisiana (permitless carry, at least 21), Maine (permitless carry, at least 21), Michigan (resident permits only, at least 21), Minnesota (regular permit only, at least 21), Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 21), Missouri (permitless carry, at least 19 or 18 for military), Nebraska (permitless carry, at least 21), Ohio (permitless carry, at least 21), Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21), Pennsylvania (resident permits only, at least 21), South Carolina (permitless carry, at least 18), Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 18), Texas (permitless carry, at least 21), Utah (permitless carry, at least 21), Virginia (at least 21), Wisconsin (at least 21), and Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21).
WHAT ARE ALL THE PERMITLESS CARRY STATES?The Permitless Carry States are: Alabama (at least 19), Alaska (at least 21), Arizona (at least 21), Arkansas (at least 18), Florida (at least 21), Georgia (at least 21), Idaho (at least 18), Indiana (at least 18), Iowa (at least 21), Kansas (at least 21), Kentucky (at least 21), Louisiana (at least 21), Maine (at least 21), Mississippi (at least 21), Missouri (at least 19, 18 for military), Montana (at least 18), Nebraska (at least 21), New Hampshire (at least 18), North Dakota (at least 18), Ohio (at least 21), Oklahoma (at least 21), South Carolina (at least 18), South Dakota (at least 18), Tennessee (at least 18), Texas (at least 21), Utah (at least 21), Vermont (at least 18), West Virginia (at least 21), and Wyoming (at least 21).

Concealed Carry License Information Questions

WHAT DO YOU DO IF A PERMIT IS LOST OR STOLEN?You may obtain a duplicate or substitute license by filing a notarized statement with the issuing sheriff. The fee is $5.
HOW LONG ARE PERMITS VALID FOR?Permits are valid for 5 years.
LINK TO APPLICATIONApplication forms and the provisional CHL application can be obtained from your county sheriff’s office website.
ARE NON-RESIDENT CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS ISSUED?Yes. As of July 6, 2021, West Virginia issues concealed carry permits to non-residents.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MOVE TO OR OUT OF WEST VIRGINIA AND WANT OR HAVE A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?If you move to West Virginia, you may apply for a license once you establish residency in your county. If you move out, your West Virginia permit expires upon establishing residency in another state.
WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT?Initial License & Renewals cost $25 plus a $25 background fee; non-resident permits cost $100 plus a $25 background fee; Provisional Licenses cost $15 plus a $25 background fee. Honorably retired officers and honorably discharged veterans pay only the background fee.
WHAT IS THE PROCESSING TIME?The processing time is 45 days.
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES?You must complete a Change Notification Form within 20 days, have it notarized, and submit it to your local sheriff’s office along with a $5 fee.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?Applicants must be 21 years or older (18–20 for provisional licenses), complete a state-approved firearms training course, be a bona fide U.S. citizen or legal resident, and have no disqualifying criminal or domestic violence convictions, among other detailed criteria.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS?First, complete any required firearms training. Then, download and fill out the application form, and file it in person at your county sheriff’s office with your training certificate, passport-style photo, and valid ID. After an investigation and approval, you will pay an additional $25 fee and be notified when your permit is ready.
WHAT ARE THE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE?You must complete a firearms training course that meets state requirements. Acceptable courses include those offered by the NRA, law enforcement organizations, community colleges, or certified instructors, and must include live-fire practice.
WHAT IS THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT RENEWAL PROCESS?Download the renewal application, file it in person at your county sheriff’s office with a passport-style photo and valid ID, pay the fee, and follow the investigation process similar to the initial application.
WHERE CAN I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?You can carry in your home, on your vehicle, in state/national parks, forests, WMAs, roadside rest areas, bars/restaurants (if not prohibited by posting), and places of worship (subject to private property rules).
WHERE CAN’T I CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM?You cannot carry in public primary or secondary education buildings, on school buses, in county courthouses or any facility housing a court, the State Capitol Complex (with limited exceptions), regional jails, or on any property where firearms are prohibited by the owner or posted signs.
IS THERE A HUNTER HARASSMENT LAW?Yes. It is illegal to willfully obstruct or impede the participation of any individual in the lawful activities of hunting, fishing, or trapping.
CAN I CARRY WHILE HUNTING?Yes. Individuals with a valid concealed carry permit may carry while engaging in hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, or self-defense purposes.
CAN I CARRY WHILE BOW HUNTING?Yes. You may carry a concealed handgun while archery (bow) hunting if you hold a valid permit.
WHAT ARE THE KNIFE LAWS?It is legal to own and openly carry any knife. You may also conceal carry a dirk, dagger, poniard, or stiletto with a blade over 3.5 inches, a switchblade, gravity knife, or butterfly knife if you are not prohibited from carrying a firearm and are over 21. However, any knife (including pocketknives) with a blade 3½ inches or less is prohibited on school property and in court facilities. Local restrictions may also apply.
CAN I WEAR A COVID MASK AND CARRY CONCEALED?Yes. You may wear a COVID-19 protective mask while carrying concealed, provided the mask is not used with intent to conceal your identity unlawfully (with emergency exceptions in place).
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEOS OR RETIRED LEOS?Yes. Law enforcement officers and retired LEOs may carry under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) if they meet the required training and identification standards. Retired officers from out-of-state must carry proof of meeting their state’s training standards within one year of carrying.

Legal Note

This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, laws and regulations may change, and individual circumstances can vary. It is solely the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and applicability of any information presented here. The author, publisher, and any affiliated entities assume no liability for actions taken by readers based on the content of this article. For specific legal guidance, please consult a qualified attorney.

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